Discover the collection of German nouns, their usage, and rules. Enhance skills in German language by learning nouns.
'Bekannter' is a German term for 'Acquaintance', a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.
Example sentences with Bekannter →Freund refers to a 'Friend' in German. It's a commonly used word to refer to someone you share a strong interpersonal bond with. The word 'Freund' is used to refer to a male friend, while 'Freundin' is used for a female friend.
Example sentences with Freund →'Freundschaft' is the German term for 'Friendship'. It roughly defines the relationship of mutual affection between people.
Example sentences with Freundschaft →'Kamerad' is a German word for 'Comrade'. It is used to describe a mate or a partner usually in a work, team or military environment.
Example sentences with Kamerad →'Kumpel' is German for 'Buddy' or 'Pal'. This word is more informal and colloquially used between close friends.
Example sentences with Kumpel →