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The German word 'umwelt' is used to describe anything related to the environment, including ecological, natural, and environmental issues. It is often used in the context of environmental protection and sustainability. In German, 'umwelt' is a noun and is often used with the definite article 'die'.
Example sentences with  umwelt →The German phrase "Auf Wiedersehen" is a formal way to say goodbye, which literally translates to "until we see each other again". It is often used in more formal situations or when parting ways with someone you do not know well. However, in informal settings, Germans often use the phrase "Tschüss" or "Ciao" instead.
Example sentences with  Auf Wiedersehen →Physik is the German word for the scientific study of matter, energy, and the fundamental laws of the universe. It is used in the same way as the English word 'physics' and covers the same range of topics, from classical mechanics to quantum theory.
Example sentences with  Physik →The German word 'verdächtig' is used to describe something or someone that is suspicious, arousing or deserving suspicion. It can be used in various contexts, such as 'Das verdächtige Paket wurde von der Polizei untersucht.' (The suspicious package was examined by the police.) or 'Sein verdächtiges Verhalten machte mich nervös.' (His suspicious behavior made me nervous.)
Example sentences with  verdächtig →In German, 'Jury' is the same as in English. It refers to a group of people who are chosen to make a decision about a competition or contest, or to decide on a verdict in a legal case. The term is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
Example sentences with  Jury →The German word 'Erhöhung' is used to express an increase in something. It can refer to an increase in prices, wages, or any other numerical value. It is often used in financial contexts. For example, 'Die Erhöhung der Preise' means 'the increase in prices'.
Example sentences with  Erhöhung →