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German Sample German Vocab


The German word 'werfen' is the equivalent of the English verb 'to throw'. It is used in the same contexts as its English counterpart, meaning to propel an object through the air using your hands or arms. For example, 'Er wirft den Ball' means 'He throws the ball'. It is also used in compound verbs such as 'wegwerfen' (to throw away) and 'zurückwerfen' (to throw back).

Example sentences with  werfen →

Obst is the German word for fruit. It is a neuter noun and is used in the same way as the English word 'fruit'. It can refer to a single piece of fruit or multiple pieces of fruit. For example, 'Ich esse gerne Obst' means 'I like to eat fruit'.

Example sentences with  Obst →

The German word for face is Gesicht. It is a noun and is used to refer to the front part of a person's head, where the eyes, nose, and mouth are located. It is a common word in everyday conversation and is used in a similar way to the English word 'face'.

Example sentences with  Gesicht →

The German word 'Berg' is a common noun that refers to a mountain. It is used in the same context as the English word 'mountain'. For example, 'I climbed the Berg' means 'I climbed the mountain'. The word 'Berg' can also be used in compound words, such as 'Gebirge' which means 'mountain range'.

Example sentences with  Berg →

The word 'absolut' is an adverb in German, just like 'absolutely' in English. It is used to emphasize the degree of certainty, agreement, or truth. For example, you can say 'Das ist absolut richtig', which translates to 'That is absolutely correct'.

Example sentences with  absolut →

The German word 'bewegen' is used to describe the action of moving something or someone. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Ich bewege den Stuhl' (I move the chair), or 'Er bewegt sich schnell' (He moves quickly). It's important to note that 'bewegen' is a verb and its conjugation changes depending on the subject and tense.

Example sentences with  bewegen →
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