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English translation of visage


The translation of 'face' in French is 'visage.' It is used very similarly to its English counterpart by referring to the front part of a person’s head from the forehead to the chin. For example, 'Je vais me laver le visage' means 'I am going to wash my face.' It can also be used metaphorically to express aspects or phases, like in 'faire face à une situation' which means 'to face a situation.'

Example sentences using: visage

Elle a un visage plein de joie.

English translation of Elle a un visage plein de joie.

She has a face full of joy.

This expresses the happy and joyous emotion of a person. Here, 'visage plein de joie' symbolizes happiness on a person's face.

Mon visage se reflète dans le miroir.

English translation of Mon visage se reflète dans le miroir.

My face is reflected in the mirror.

This sentence is a straightforward expression to communicate that one's face is reflected in the mirror. It suggests that the speaker is looking at their reflection.

Il a un visage sérieux quand il travaille.

English translation of Il a un visage sérieux quand il travaille.

He has a serious face when he is working.

This sentence portrays the image of a focused and diligent individual. 'Visage sérieux' symbolizes a person's concentrated and dedicated attitude.

Il faut toujours se laver le visage avant de dormir.

English translation of Il faut toujours se laver le visage avant de dormir.

You should always wash your face before going to sleep.

This sentence suggests a good hygiene practice – washing one's face before bedtime. It's often said to remove dirt and oil buildup that has accumulated during the day.

Je ne peux pas oublier son visage.

English translation of Je ne peux pas oublier son visage.

I cannot forget his face.

This phrase might be used in a number of contexts, it may indicate a strong emotional connection with the person referenced, perhaps due to a significant shared experience or strong unrequited emotions.

Votre visage me semble familier.

English translation of Votre visage me semble familier.

Your face seems familiar to me.

This sentence typically suggests that the speaker recognizes the listener from a previous encounter, but can't precisely identify when or where.

Son visage rayonnait de bonheur.

English translation of Son visage rayonnait de bonheur.

His face was radiant with happiness.

'Son visage rayonnait de bonheur' expresses a person being extremely happy. The phrase directly translates to his face radiating happiness, symbolizing visible joy.

Ma mère a un beau visage.

English translation of Ma mère a un beau visage.

My mother has a beautiful face.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's affection and love for their mother, by complimenting her physical appearance, specifically her face.

Le soleil brille sur mon visage.

English translation of Le soleil brille sur mon visage.

The sun shines on my face.

This sentence portrays a serene and peaceful image of the speaker enjoying the feel of the sun on their face. It can be used to express the feelings of warmth and contentment.

Il n'a pas de larmes sur son visage.

English translation of Il n'a pas de larmes sur son visage.

He has no tears on his face.

This sentence directly communicates that there are no tears in a person's face, implying that the person isn't crying, giving the listener context that the person isn't currently visibly upset.

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