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English translation of viande


The French word 'viande' is used quite similarly to 'meat' in English. It refers to the flesh of an animal, particularly mammals or birds, used as food. For example, 'Pouvez-vous ajouter de la viande à cette recette?' means 'Can you add meat to this recipe?'. Remember, in French, you need to use 'de la' before 'viande' when talking about some meat or meat in general.

Example sentences using: viande

La viande est chère.

English translation of La viande est chère.

The meat is expensive.

This sentence remarks on the price of the meat, labeling it as expensive.

La viande est bon marché.

English translation of La viande est bon marché.

The meat is cheap.

This sentence remarks on the price of the meat, labeling it as cheap or inexpensive.

Je ne mange pas de viande.

English translation of Je ne mange pas de viande.

I don't eat meat.

This sentence expresses that the speaker does not eat meat, perhaps due to dietary restrictions or personal choice.

J'aime manger de la viande.

English translation of J'aime manger de la viande.

I like to eat meat.

This sentence is stating a personal preference, specifically that the speaker enjoys eating meat.

La viande est dans le réfrigérateur.

English translation of La viande est dans le réfrigérateur.

The meat is in the refrigerator.

This sentence is providing the location of the meat, which is in the refrigerator.

La viande est trop cuite.

English translation of La viande est trop cuite.

The meat is overcooked.

This sentence expresses satisfaction or dissatisfaction about the state of cooked meat.

La viande est crue.

English translation of La viande est crue.

The meat is raw.

This sentence is describing the state of the meat, which is uncooked or raw.

Comment aimez-vous votre viande ?

English translation of Comment aimez-vous votre viande ?

How do you like your meat?

This sentence asks about someone’s personal preference on how their meat is cooked.

Cette viande a un goût étrange.

English translation of Cette viande a un goût étrange.

This meat has a strange taste.

This sentence expressing the speaker's opinion that the meat has an unusual taste.

La viande vient de la boucherie.

English translation of La viande vient de la boucherie.

The meat comes from the butcher shop.

This sentence provides information about the origin of the meat, which is the butcher shop.

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