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English translation of unité


The French word 'unité' is most commonly used exactly like the English word 'unity'. It can refer to the state of being one or joined as a whole. For example 'L'unité de la famille' would translate to 'The unity of the family'. This word is commonly used in both physics and mathematics as well.

Example sentences using: unité

L'unité est importante dans une équipe.

English translation of L'unité est importante dans une équipe.

Unity is important in a team.

This sentence implies that in order to function properly, a team must be united.

Nous formons une unité.

English translation of Nous formons une unité.

We form a unit.

This phrase means that together, we constitute a singular entity or group.

Cette unité de mesure est utilisée internationalement.

English translation of Cette unité de mesure est utilisée internationalement.

This unit of measure is used internationally.

In this sentence, unit refers to a standard of measurement that's recognised across different countries.

L'unité d'enseignement est obligatoire.

English translation of L'unité d'enseignement est obligatoire.

The teaching unit is mandatory.

Here, unit is used to describe a particular division of a course or study module that is required for students.

Il représente une unité monétaire.

English translation of Il représente une unité monétaire.

It represents a monetary unit.

This phrase indicates that something stands for a form of currency.

Il faut plus d'unité dans ce monde.

English translation of Il faut plus d'unité dans ce monde.

There needs to be more unity in this world.

This sentence expresses the desire for more solidarity and cohesion among people or countries.

L'unité de temps est la seconde.

English translation of L'unité de temps est la seconde.

The unit of time is the second.

This states that the fundamental unit used to measure time is a second.

Il travaille dans l'unité de soins intensifs.

English translation of Il travaille dans l'unité de soins intensifs.

He works in the intensive care unit.

In this sentence, unit refers to a specialised department within a hospital.

Il a une unité de fabrication moderne.

English translation of Il a une unité de fabrication moderne.

He has a modern manufacturing unit.

This implies that he owns a contemporary industrial facility where goods are produced.

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