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un autre

English translation of un autre


The French word 'un autre' translates to 'another' in English. It is used in similar context as in English, referring to an additional item or person. It can be used in a sentence like 'Je veux un autre café', which means 'I want another coffee'.

Example sentences using: un autre

Un autre problème est survenu

English translation of Un autre problème est survenu

Another problem has occurred

This phrase is often used to express the emergence of a new problem or situation after an initial one.

J'ai besoin d'une autre chance

English translation of J'ai besoin d'une autre chance

I need another chance

This phrase is used when a person has made a mistake and is seeking forgiveness or a chance to make things right.

Il veut un autre verre de vin

English translation of Il veut un autre verre de vin

He wants another glass of wine

This phrase is used to express someone's desire for a second serving of wine. A common phrase used at dinner or at a bar.

Je vais acheter un autre livre

English translation of Je vais acheter un autre livre

I'm going to buy another book

This phrase is used when someone is planning to buy an additional book, possibly after reading or buying another one previously.

Pouvez-vous me donner un autre exemple?

English translation of Pouvez-vous me donner un autre exemple?

Can you give me another example?

This phrase is used when someone is asking for an additional example, perhaps after receiving an explanation or illustration.

Elle a un autre plan en tête

English translation of Elle a un autre plan en tête

She has another plan in mind

This phrase is used to suggest that a person has an alternative plan or idea that they are considering.

Il a un autre avis sur la question

English translation of Il a un autre avis sur la question

He has another opinion on the matter

This phrase is used to indicate that a person holds a separate or differing opinion on a particular issue.

Je prendrai un autre café, s'il vous plait

English translation of Je prendrai un autre café, s'il vous plait

I'll have another coffee, please

This phrase is used to order an additional coffee, typically at a cafe or restaurant.

Un autre jour, une autre opportunité

English translation of Un autre jour, une autre opportunité

Another day, another opportunity

This phrase means that with every new day, new opportunities arise. It's often used to express optimism and the possibility of new beginnings.

Un autre monde est possible

English translation of Un autre monde est possible

Another world is possible

This phrase is often used to convey optimism and the belief that change can occur, usually in a socio-political context.

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