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English translation of tuer


The French translation for the English word 'kill' is 'tuer'. This word is generally used in the same context as the English language, referring to the ending of a life. It can be used in various situations but is most commonly seen in direct and indirect conversations discussing a hypothetical or actual situation where life is taken away. For example, 'Il pourrait le tuer' translates to 'He could kill him'. Remember, it is important to use this word appropriately, as it contains a heavy meaning.

Example sentences using: tuer

Il fait assez froid pour tuer un ours.

English translation of Il fait assez froid pour tuer un ours.

It's cold enough to kill a bear.

This phrase uses 'tuer' in a figurative way to emphasize just how cold the weather is.

La peur de tuer a arrêté son geste.

English translation of La peur de tuer a arrêté son geste.

The fear of killing stopped his gesture.

This sentence points out that the person was so scared of committing the act of murder, it physically stopped them from making a certain gesture.

Il ne voulait pas le tuer.

English translation of Il ne voulait pas le tuer.

He did not want to kill him.

This sentence states simply that the person did not wish to kill another person.

Tu dois tuer le temps.

English translation of Tu dois tuer le temps.

You have to kill time.

In this context, 'tuer' is being used figuratively, meaning to pass time in a certain manner, not literally to commit murder.

On t'a accusé de tuer.

English translation of On t'a accusé de tuer.

You were accused of killing.

The sentence refers to someone being accused of the act of killing, it doesn't specify whom or what was killed.

Ces médicaments peuvent tuer.

English translation of Ces médicaments peuvent tuer.

These medicines can kill.

This sentence states that the medications referred to have the potential to cause death.

La pollution est en train de tuer la planète.

English translation of La pollution est en train de tuer la planète.

Pollution is killing the planet.

In this instance, 'tuer' is used to convey the destructive effect of pollution on the health of the planet.

C'est une maladie qui peut tuer.

English translation of C'est une maladie qui peut tuer.

It's a disease that can kill.

This sentence discusses a disease with lethal or deadly potential.

Il jouait à tuer le dragon.

English translation of Il jouait à tuer le dragon.

He was playing to kill the dragon.

This sentence describes a game in which the person is pretending or aiming to kill a dragon.

On a l'ordre de tuer.

English translation of On a l'ordre de tuer.

We have the order to kill.

This sentence expresses that someone has given a command to commit a murder.

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