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English translation of travailleur


The French word 'travailleur' is used in much the same way as 'worker' in English. It describes someone who works, often in a manual or blue-collar capacity, but also applies more generally to anyone who exerts themselves laboriously. The pronunciation is tra-vai-yeur. It can also be used in multiple contexts. For instance, 'un travailleur acharné' means 'a hard worker', while 'les droits des travailleurs' refers to 'workers' rights'.

Example sentences using: travailleur

Paul est un travailleur acharné.

English translation of Paul est un travailleur acharné.

Paul is a hard worker.

In this phrase, 'travailleur acharné' is used to describe a person (Paul) who works hard or puts a significant amount of effort into his work.

Le travailleur s'est rebellé contre ses conditions de travail.

English translation of Le travailleur s'est rebellé contre ses conditions de travail.

The worker rebelled against his working conditions.

Here, 'travailleur' is used to refer to a person who works and it highlights a situation where the worker is dissatisfied with his conditions of work and he rebels.

Le droit du travailleur doit être respecté.

English translation of Le droit du travailleur doit être respecté.

The rights of the worker must be respected.

This phrase uses 'travailleur' to describe any worker in general. It emphasizes the importance of upholding workers rights in all situations.

Il a été reconnu comme un travailleur exceptionnel.

English translation of Il a été reconnu comme un travailleur exceptionnel.

He was recognized as an exceptional worker.

In this phrase, 'travailleur exceptionnel' is used to describe a worker who performs exceptionally well or beyond expectations.

Le syndicat défend les intérêts des travailleurs.

English translation of Le syndicat défend les intérêts des travailleurs.

The union defends the interests of the workers.

In this context, 'travailleurs' (plural of travailleur) refers to a group of workers or employees whose interests are being protected by a union.

Il faut être un travailleur compétent pour ce poste.

English translation of Il faut être un travailleur compétent pour ce poste.

You have to be a skilled worker for this position.

In this sentence, 'travailleur compétent' refers to a worker who has the skills and abilities required for a specific job position.

Le travailleur n'est pas rémunéré à sa juste valeur.

English translation of Le travailleur n'est pas rémunéré à sa juste valeur.

The worker is not paid his fair value.

This phrase uses 'travailleur' to point out an issue where a worker is underpaid or not receiving fair compensation for the work he/she is doing.

Le travailleur s'est blessé durant son service.

English translation of Le travailleur s'est blessé durant son service.

The worker was injured during his service.

Here 'travailleur' is used to indicate an individual who is performing his duties and sustains an injury in the process.

Ce travailleur est toujours en retard.

English translation of Ce travailleur est toujours en retard.

This worker is always late.

In this sentence, 'travailleur' refers to an individual who perpetually arrives late. It implies that the worker's punctuality is lacking.

Le travailleur social aide les gens dans le besoin.

English translation of Le travailleur social aide les gens dans le besoin.

The social worker helps people in need.

Here, 'travailleur social' refers to a profession that supports people facing various challenges and helps them improve their lives.

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