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English translation of traiter


In French, 'traiter' translates to 'treat' in English. The term can be used in a variety of contexts, such as medical treatment (traitement médical), treating someone to something (traiter quelqu'un à quelque chose), or in the sense of dealing with a topic (traiter un sujet). However, the usage depends mostly on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences using: traiter

La police traite cette affaire avec prudence.

English translation of La police traite cette affaire avec prudence.

The police are handling this case with caution.

'Traiter' in this line denotes how a matter or case is being handled, in this instance, by the police.

Je vais traiter votre demande dans les plus brefs délais.

English translation of Je vais traiter votre demande dans les plus brefs délais.

I will handle your request as soon as possible.

In this context, 'traiter' is being used to convey the meaning of processing or dealing with something, here it is a request.

Je vais traiter ce sujet avec égards.

English translation of Je vais traiter ce sujet avec égards.

I will treat this matter with respect.

In this context, 'traiter' exemplifies how the word can be used to denote handling or dealing with a certain matter or situation.

Nous devons traiter celui-ci comme le roi qu'il est.

English translation of Nous devons traiter celui-ci comme le roi qu'il est.

We must treat him as the king he is.

In this sentence, 'traiter' translates to 'treat,' implying the manner in which one person treats another.

Notre véto doit traiter notre chien pour ses puces.

English translation of Notre véto doit traiter notre chien pour ses puces.

Our vet has to treat our dog for his fleas.

In this case, 'traiter' is used in a medical context. It translates to 'treat,' referring to a veterinarian treating a pet for a medical condition or illness.

Les entreprises doivent traiter leurs employés équitablement.

English translation of Les entreprises doivent traiter leurs employés équitablement.

Companies should treat their employees fairly.

This sentence suggests how 'traiter' can be used to express the way one party interacts or behaves with another, in this case how a company treats its employees.

Nous devrions traiter l'environnement avec plus de soin.

English translation of Nous devrions traiter l'environnement avec plus de soin.

We should treat the environment with more care.

In this sentence, 'traiter' indicates how we handle or deal with something - in this case, the environment.

Comment traitez-vous votre chevelure pour garder sa brillance?

English translation of Comment traitez-vous votre chevelure pour garder sa brillance?

How do you treat your hair to maintain its shine?

Here, 'traiter' is used to reflect the care or attention provided to something, in this scenario, hair.

Elle traite les blessures de son enfant avec une pommade.

English translation of Elle traite les blessures de son enfant avec une pommade.

She treats her child's wounds with an ointment.

This sentence highlights 'traiter' in a medical sense, as it translates to 'treat' when discussing attending to injuries.

Le pays doit traiter cette question énergique d'une manière durable.

English translation of Le pays doit traiter cette question énergique d'une manière durable.

The country should tackle this energy issue in a sustainable manner.

Here, 'traiter' has been translated as 'tackle', portraying the meaning of addressing an issue or problem.

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