The French word 'traitement' is used to refer to treatment, the process or manner in which someone behaves toward or deals with someone or something. In medical context, it refers to the care or therapy given to a patient for an illness or injury. Just like in English, the context in which it is used often determines its specific meaning.
We have started data processing.
Here, the word 'traitement' is used to convey the idea of 'processing', typically associated with data management or computing.
The doctor has prescribed a new treatment.
'Traitement' is used in a medical context, referring to a course of medical care used to address a health condition.
She has completed her cancer treatment.
This sentence refers to a medical course that she underwent to treat cancer. 'Traitement' here signifies a medicinal or therapeutic treatment.
The water treatment is essential for public health.
It refers to the process of making water more acceptable for end-use, such as drinking, industry, and medicine.
This software aids in image processing.
'Traitement des images' refers to the manipulation of images by computer.
She is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for her cancer.
In this sentence, 'traitement' is used in a medical context to refer to a form of cancer treatment called chemotherapy.
The waste treatment is a major issue for the environment.
Here, 'traitement des déchets' refers to the processes involved in dealing with waste for disposal and can involve burial, biological degradation, incineration, recycling etc.
He needs this treatment to live normally.
In this sentence, 'traitement' is used in a medical context, referring to a health regimen or therapy required by an individual for normal living.
I am going to undergo a dental treatment tomorrow.
This sentence uses 'traitement' to refer to a specific medical procedure, dental treatment. Note that 'subir' translates to 'undergo', often used in medical context.
In this instance, 'traitement de texte' refers to a word processor, which is a software program used for tasks such as composing and editing text documents.