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English translation of traditions


The French word 'traditions' is used in the same way as in English. It refers to the customs or beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation. An example of how to use it in a sentence would be: 'Les traditions françaises sont diverses et colorées', which translates to 'French traditions are diverse and colorful'.

Example sentences using: traditions

La ville est riche en traditions.

English translation of La ville est riche en traditions.

The city is rich in traditions.

This French sentence is used to appreciate a city for its cultural values or traditional practices.

Les traditions culinaires sont importantes.

English translation of Les traditions culinaires sont importantes.

Culinary traditions are important.

In France, food culture and traditions are quite valued. This statement emphasizes the importance placed on food preparation and enjoyed traditionally.

Noël est l'une des traditions françaises.

English translation of Noël est l'une des traditions françaises.

Christmas is one of the French traditions.

Used to state that celebrating Christmas is one of the cultural practices of France.

Les traditions se perdent au fil du temps.

English translation of Les traditions se perdent au fil du temps.

Traditions get lost over time.

This sentence is used when discussing cultural shifts and how time can affect the continuation of long standing traditions.

On enseigne les traditions à l'école.

English translation of On enseigne les traditions à l'école.

Traditions are taught in school.

This French phrase is used to express the fact that certain values or traditional practices are passed down in an academic setting.

Paris a ses propres traditions.

English translation of Paris a ses propres traditions.

Paris has its own traditions.

This sentence implies that Paris, or any other place, has unique cultural practices and traditions that distinguish it from other regions.

Nous célébrons les traditions familiales.

English translation of Nous célébrons les traditions familiales.

We celebrate family traditions.

Expresses their fondness and practice of familial rituals or customs.

Les traditions nous unissent.

English translation of Les traditions nous unissent.

Traditions unite us.

Used to convey the idea that shared customs and traditions can bring a sense of connection and unity among people.

Il est crucial de respecter les traditions.

English translation of Il est crucial de respecter les traditions.

It is crucial to respect traditions.

This statement is often used to emphasize the importance of acknowledging and respecting customs and practices established by previous generations.

C'est une de nos traditions viticoles.

English translation of C'est une de nos traditions viticoles.

It's one of our wine-growing traditions.

A phrase from French wine culture, often used when discussing a specific practice or custom associated with the production of wine.

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