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Toujours vert

English translation of Toujours vert


The term 'Toujours vert' is used in French to denote plants that retain green leaves throughout the year, similar to 'evergreen' in English. It can also metaphorically refer to concepts, ideas or skills that are perpetually relevant or enduring.

Example sentences using: Toujours vert

L'herbe est toujours verte de l'autre côté.

English translation of L'herbe est toujours verte de l'autre côté.

The grass is always green on the other side.

This phrase is used to express the idea that other people's situations or life contexts always seem better than one's own.

C'est un arbre toujours vert qui pousse dans notre jardin.

English translation of C'est un arbre toujours vert qui pousse dans notre jardin.

It is an evergreen tree that grows in our garden.

This phrase speaks about an evergreen tree that continually maintains its leaves throughout the year.

La mousse semble toujours verte sur la roche.

English translation of La mousse semble toujours verte sur la roche.

The moss always looks green on the rock.

This sentence depicts a natural scenery where the color of a particular plant remains constant.

Mon amour pour toi est toujours vert, peu importe la saison.

English translation of Mon amour pour toi est toujours vert, peu importe la saison.

My love for you is always green, no matter the season.

This romantic sentence uses the expression 'always green' to symbolize constant, unchanging love.

Il considère toujours vert comme sa couleur préférée.

English translation of Il considère toujours vert comme sa couleur préférée.

He always considers green as his favorite colour.

This sentence is about a person who always has a preference for the color green.

C'est la plante qui reste toujours verte.

English translation of C'est la plante qui reste toujours verte.

It's the plant that stays green always.

This phrase refers to a plant that retains its green color irrespective of the season.

Le pin est toujours vert, même en hiver.

English translation of Le pin est toujours vert, même en hiver.

The pine tree is always green, even in winter.

Here, 'always green' refers to the pine tree which is an evergreen tree species.

La vue de ce champ est toujours verte.

English translation of La vue de ce champ est toujours verte.

The view of this field is always green.

This phrase indicates that a field is continually lush and green.

Sa passion pour l'environnement est toujours verte.

English translation of Sa passion pour l'environnement est toujours verte.

His passion for the environment is always green.

In this case, 'always green' is a metaphor emphasizing a person's constant passion for environmental issues.

Cette peinture représente une forêt toujours verte.

English translation of Cette peinture représente une forêt toujours verte.

This painting represents a forest that's always green.

In this phrase, 'always green' describes a forest depicted in a painting that appears lush and green year-round.

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