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English translation of tir


The word 'tir' in French translates to 'shot' in English. It is used similarly to English, often in contexts relating to sports such as a 'tir au but' in football meaning a 'shot on goal'. Also, 'tir' can refer to a shot of drink or a gunshot. However, it's essential to understand the context to use this word aptly.

Example sentences using: tir

Je ne peux pas tirer de conclusion sans toutes les informations.

English translation of Je ne peux pas tirer de conclusion sans toutes les informations.

I can't draw a conclusion without all the information.

This phrase uses 'tir' in the sense of 'draw' or 'discharge', in this case referring to drawing up a conclusion.

Le soldat tire sur la cible avec précision.

English translation of Le soldat tire sur la cible avec précision.

This sentence uses 'tire' which is a form of 'tirer', meaning 'to shoot' or 'fire' in a military context.


Il faut tirer des leçons de nos erreurs.

English translation of Il faut tirer des leçons de nos erreurs.

We must draw lessons from our mistakes.

'Tirer des leçons' means 'to draw lessons'. In this context, 'tirer' is used in the sense of extracting or taking away something.

Il a su tirer le meilleur parti de la situation.

English translation of Il a su tirer le meilleur parti de la situation.

He knew how to make the best of the situation.

'Tirer parti' means 'to make the most of'. This phrase uses 'tirer' in the sense of extracting or obtaining something from a situation.

Elle a tiré un livre de la bibliothèque.

English translation of Elle a tiré un livre de la bibliothèque.

She took a book from the library.

Here, 'tirer' is used in the sense of taking or pulling out, generally used when referring to take something out from a larger whole.

Le chasseur tire une flèche sur le cerf.

English translation of Le chasseur tire une flèche sur le cerf.

The hunter shoots an arrow at the deer.

This sentence uses 'tire', which is a form of 'tirer', here meaning 'to shoot' or 'fire', in a context of hunting.

Nous devons tirer un plan avant de commencer le projet.

English translation of Nous devons tirer un plan avant de commencer le projet.

We need to draw up a plan before starting the project.

In this phrase, 'tirer' is used in the sense of 'draw up' or 'devise', often used when referring to creating a plan or a scheme.

Je tire ma chaise vers la table.

English translation of Je tire ma chaise vers la table.

I pull my chair toward the table.

Here, 'tirer' means 'to pull', used in the physical sense of exerting force on something so as to cause it to approach near or prevent it from going away.

Il tire sa révérence pour saluer le public.

English translation of Il tire sa révérence pour saluer le public.

He takes a bow to salute the audience.

In this context, 'tirer sa révérence' is a French expression meaning 'to take a bow'.

Il faut tirer cette porte pour l'ouvrir.

English translation of Il faut tirer cette porte pour l'ouvrir.

You need to pull this door to open it.

In this phrase, 'tirer' is synonymous with 'pull'. It is typically used to refer to the action required to open a door or drawer.

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