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English translation of temps


The word 'temps' in French can be used very similarly to how 'time' is used in English. It can refer to the progression of moments (e.g., 'Quel temps fait-il?' means 'What is the time?'), the weather (e.g., 'Il fait beau temps' means 'The weather is good'), or to musical tempo in a similar fashion to English. It's a very versatile word in the French language.

Example sentences using: temps

Quel temps fait-il?

English translation of Quel temps fait-il?

What is the weather like?

This is a common phrase used to ask about the weather. 'Temps' in this context refers to weather conditions.

Il fait mauvais temps aujourd'hui.

English translation of Il fait mauvais temps aujourd'hui.

The weather is bad today.

In this sentence, 'temps' is used to refer to weather. 'Mauvais temps' literally translates to 'bad weather', much like in English.

Combien de temps dure le film?

English translation of Combien de temps dure le film?

How long is the movie?

In other contexts, 'temps' can be used to talk about time duration. In this question, it is used for asking about the length of the movie.

Avec le temps, tout s’améliore.

English translation of Avec le temps, tout s’améliore.

With time, everything gets better.

Here, 'temps' is used in the context of elapsed time or passage of time. This phrase is typical of reassuring or comforting expressions.

Le temps est un grand maître.

English translation of Le temps est un grand maître.

Time is a great master.

In this sentence, 'temps' is used in a metaphorical sense to imply time’s influence over things. It is a common French idiom.

Nous avons passé du bon temps ensemble.

English translation of Nous avons passé du bon temps ensemble.

We had a good time together.

In this example, 'temps' is used to express a span of time or period which was enjoyable.

Je n'ai pas le temps de lire ce livre.

English translation of Je n'ai pas le temps de lire ce livre.

I don't have time to read this book.

'Temps' in this phrase refers to unavailable or lacking time to do an action.

Il est temps de partir.

English translation of Il est temps de partir.

It's time to leave.

In this example, 'temps' is used to signify an appropriate point of time to do something, in this case, to leave.

Prends ton temps.

English translation of Prends ton temps.

Take your time.

This is an idiomatic expression in which 'temps' is used metaphorically. It means to not rush and take as much time as needed.

Le temps passe vite.

English translation of Le temps passe vite.

Time flies.

'Temps' in this phrase means time in the abstract sense, pointing out how quickly it seems to pass.

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