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English translation of technologie


The French word for 'technology' is 'technologie'. The usage is quite similar to English; it's used to refer to machinery and equipment developed from scientific knowledge. It can be used in various contexts, whether talking about the rise of new 'technologie', the use of 'technologie' in different industries, or studying 'technologie' at school. Like in English, in French it is also a commonly used word, especially in contemporary times when technology has a significant role in various aspects of life.

Example sentences using: technologie

La technologie évolue rapidement dans ce siècle.

English translation of La technologie évolue rapidement dans ce siècle.

Technology evolves quickly in this century.

This sentence means that technology is developing and changing rapidly in our current era. This could be due to advancements in fields such as computing, engineering and biotechnology.

Nous devons comprendre les impacts de la technologie sur la société.

English translation of Nous devons comprendre les impacts de la technologie sur la société.

We must understand the impacts of technology on society.

This sentence implies that it is important to understand how technology affects and shapes our society, potentially in terms of communication, transportation, economy and lifestyle.

La technologie a changé notre façon de communiquer.

English translation of La technologie a changé notre façon de communiquer.

Technology has changed our way of communicating.

This means that technological advances, such as mobile phones and the internet, have drastically altered the way we connect and communicate with others.

Les entreprises technologiques dominent le marché boursier.

English translation of Les entreprises technologiques dominent le marché boursier.

Technology companies dominate the stock market.

This means that companies in the technology sector are leading or control a significant portion of the stock market, possibly due to their economic impact or investment potential.

J'aimerais travailler dans le domaine de la technologie.

English translation of J'aimerais travailler dans le domaine de la technologie.

I would like to work in the field of technology.

This sentence indicates the speaker's desire to have a career in technology, which could include areas such as software development, network administration, or technology research and development.

La technologie est un outil puissant pour l'éducation.

English translation of La technologie est un outil puissant pour l'éducation.

Technology is a powerful tool for education.

This means that technology can be used effectively to enhance learning and teaching, perhaps through interactive software, online courses, or digital resources.

La technologie nous a permis d'explorer l'espace.

English translation of La technologie nous a permis d'explorer l'espace.

Technology has allowed us to explore space.

This sentence implies that thanks to advancements in technology, mankind has been able to travel to and explore outer space.

C'est un produit de technologie avancée.

English translation of C'est un produit de technologie avancée.

It's a product of advanced technology.

This sentence means that the product mentioned is a result of sophisticated or cutting-edge technology.

La technologie a ses avantages et ses inconvénients.

English translation of La technologie a ses avantages et ses inconvénients.

Technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

This means that while technology has beneficial aspects, it also has negative or potentially harmful aspects, perhaps in terms of privacy, health, or environmental impact.

La technologie a réduit les distances dans le monde.

English translation of La technologie a réduit les distances dans le monde.

Technology has reduced distances in the world.

This sentence means that technological advances have made the world feel smaller or more connected, perhaps through faster travel or instant communication.

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