The French word 'tableau' is used to mean 'board'. It is commonly used in the context of blackboard or whiteboard in a classroom. However, it can also refer to a dashboard or panel of buttons and gadgets in cars or machines, and even a painting or a work of art in gallery. So depending on the context, 'tableau' can have different meanings.
The results table was published today.
In this example, 'tableau' refers to a table of information or data. It is often used in the context of reports or examinations and indicates a structured and organized presentation of information.
I posted the lesson plan on the board.
In this context, 'tableau' refers to a physical or digital board typically used in a classroom setup for instruction and note taking.
He uses a table to organize his thoughts.
Here, 'tableau' is referring to a table of information or a chart. It shows that the person is arranging his thoughts in a structured way for better understanding.
The dashboard shows that sales are increasing.
In this instance, 'tableau de bord' means dashboard, often used in business to monitor various performance indicators. It provides visual and succinct information.
She painted a nice picture for her mother.
In this phrase, 'tableau' refers to a painting or picture. This shows the other usage of tableau in art context.
The electrical panel is old and needs to be replaced.
In this sentence, 'tableau électrique' refers to an electrical panel which is a component of an electricity supply system. demonstrates the technical usage of 'tableau'.
The multiplication table is an essential tool for children.
Here, 'tableau de multiplication' refers to a 'multiplication table'. It illustrates the usage of 'tableau' in an educational context.
I like the colorful painting in the art exhibition.
In this case, 'tableau' is used in the context of visual arts, where it refers to a painting or artwork.
The patient's clinical picture is complex.
The phrase 'tableau clinique' refers to the overall clinical manifestation or symptom synergy in a patient. This highlights a healthcare-associated context of using 'tableau'.
This graph presents a clear picture of the economic situation.
Here, 'tableau' is used to signify a graphical or data-driven representation of information. It illustrates the usage of 'tableau' in business and economics.