The word 'suggérer' in French translates to 'suggest' in English. Just like in English, it is often used when one is proposing a plan or an idea for consideration. It is also used to imply or indirectly indicate a fact or a possibility. This verb is mostly used in formal contexts, such as meetings, formal discussions or writings.
Could you suggest a date for the meeting?
In this phrase, 'suggérer' is used to ask for someone else's input on scheduling a meeting.
I can suggest a good restaurant.
In this context, 'suggérer' is used to offer a recommendation for a good restaurant.
Can you suggest an alternative?
Here, the verb 'suggérer' is used to ask for another option or solution.
He suggested taking a taxi instead.
In this sentence, 'a suggéré' is used to show that he has proposed to take a taxi as an alternate option.
She always suggests the best ideas.
In this context, 'suggère' means 'suggests' and is used to convey that she often comes up with the best ideas.
I'm going to suggest this book to my friend.
Here, the speaker is expressing an intention to recommend a book to his/her friend using 'suggérer'.
The professor suggested rereading the class notes.
In this example, the professor is giving advice or recommendation to the students to reread the class notes.
I was suggested to try yoga.
Here, 'm'a suggéré' is used to indicate that someone gave the speaker advice or a recommendation to try yoga.
We should suggest a salary increase.
In this context, 'suggérer' is used to imply that someone should propose the idea of a salary increase.
I suggest that we go to the cinema tonight.
In this sentence, 'Je suggère' means 'I suggest'. The speaker is proposing an idea for a group action to go to the cinema tonight.