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English translation of succès


The French word for success is 'succès'. It is used similarly to the English term, and can refer to the positive outcome of an endeavor or the achievement of a particular goal or objective. It can be used in a variety of contexts, whether personal, professional, or academic.

Example sentences using: succès

Ce roman a connu un grand succès.

English translation of Ce roman a connu un grand succès.

This novel has been very successful.

This statement expresses that the novel was well received and saw a significant amount of success.

Il a le succès dans le sang.

English translation of Il a le succès dans le sang.

He has success in his blood.

This phrase suggests that the person is naturally talented or inclined to succeed in their endeavors.

Le film a été un succès instantané.

English translation of Le film a été un succès instantané.

The movie was an instant success.

This expression suggests that the movie was immediately successful upon its release.

Leur entreprise a connu un succès fulgurant.

English translation of Leur entreprise a connu un succès fulgurant.

Their business experienced phenomenal success.

This sentence means that the company achieved a very high level of success in a very short amount of time.

Ils ont travaillé dur pour leur succès.

English translation of Ils ont travaillé dur pour leur succès.

They worked hard for their success.

This expression highlights that success was not handed to them - it came as a result of their hard work and effort.

Le succès a gâché leur relation.

English translation of Le succès a gâché leur relation.

Success ruined their relationship.

In this context, success is portrayed as destructive - it has caused damage to their relationship.

Il cherche toujours le succès inatteignable.

English translation of Il cherche toujours le succès inatteignable.

He is always pursuing unattainable success.

This phrase underlines that the person is driven to achieve success, even if it seems impossible to reach.

Elle a attribué son succès à son équipe.

English translation of Elle a attribué son succès à son équipe.

She attributed her success to her team.

The sentence describes a person crediting others (in this case, her team) for her success.

Au début, le succès a été difficile à accepter.

English translation of Au début, le succès a été difficile à accepter.

At first, success was difficult to accept.

This phrase explains that initially, the individual found it challenging to come to terms with their success.

Le succès ne change pas une personne, il révèle sa véritable personnalité.

English translation of Le succès ne change pas une personne, il révèle sa véritable personnalité.

Success doesn’t change a person, it reveals their true personality.

This statement conveys that success doesn’t alter who a person is but brings their true characteristics to light.

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