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English translation of social


The French word 'social' is used almost identically to the English term 'social'. It refers to activities, structures, and situations that involve interaction between individuals. It is used in many contexts, such as social issues (questions sociales), social life (vie sociale), or social network (réseau social).

Example sentences using: social

Le media social a beaucoup changé notre vie.

English translation of Le media social a beaucoup changé notre vie.

Social media has greatly changed our life.

This sentence explains the transformation that social media has brought into our lives. The French phrase 'Le media social' literally translates to 'the social media' in English.

Nous avons discuté du sujet social à l'école aujourd'hui.

English translation of Nous avons discuté du sujet social à l'école aujourd'hui.

We discussed the social issue at school today.

This sentence is about a discussion on a social issue in school. 'Du sujet social' translates to 'of the social issue' in English.

L'économie sociale est très importante pour notre société.

English translation of L'économie sociale est très importante pour notre société.

The social economy is very important for our society.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of the social economy in society. 'L'économie sociale' translates to 'the social economy' in English.

Le travail social est une profession précieuse.

English translation of Le travail social est une profession précieuse.

Social work is a valuable profession.

This sentence stresses the value of the profession of social work. 'Le travail social' translates to 'social work' in English.

La solidarité sociale est nécessaire pour résoudre cette crise.

English translation of La solidarité sociale est nécessaire pour résoudre cette crise.

Social solidarity is necessary to solve this crisis.

This sentence expresses the need for social solidarity to solve a crisis. 'La solidarité sociale' translates to 'social solidarity' in English.

Le service social aide les personnes défavorisées.

English translation of Le service social aide les personnes défavorisées.

The social service helps disadvantaged people.

This sentence talks about the role of social services in assisting disadvantaged individuals. 'Le service social' directly translates to 'the social service' in English.

Nous avons besoin de justice sociale pour tous.

English translation of Nous avons besoin de justice sociale pour tous.

We need social justice for everyone.

This sentence is stating the need for social justice for all individuals. 'Justice sociale' translates to 'social justice' in English.

La classe sociale vous affecte de plusieurs façons.

English translation of La classe sociale vous affecte de plusieurs façons.

The social class affects you in several ways.

This sentence means that your social class can affect you in many ways. 'La classe sociale' translates to 'the social class' in English.

Il est important de critiquer la structure sociale pour le progrès.

English translation of Il est important de critiquer la structure sociale pour le progrès.

It is important to criticize the social structure for progress.

This sentence states the importance of criticizing the social structure for the sake of progress. 'La structure sociale' translates to 'the social structure' in English.

L'assistance sociale est pour ceux qui en ont vraiment besoin.

English translation of L'assistance sociale est pour ceux qui en ont vraiment besoin.

Social assistance is for those who really need it.

This sentence suggests that social aid is meant for those who truly need it. 'L'assistance sociale' translates to 'social assistance' in English.

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