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English translation of situation


In French, 'situation' is used much like the English 'situation'. It could denote a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself, or the state of affairs. For instance, 'La situation est grave' means 'The situation is serious'. The plural is 'situations' and it could also refer to a location or position, though this is less commonly used.

Example sentences using: situation

La situation est compliquée.

English translation of La situation est compliquée.

The situation is complicated.

This phrase expresses the state of a certain circumstance being complex, which is quite common in daily conversations when discussing various issues or scenarios.

Avez-vous apprécié ma situation?

English translation of Avez-vous apprécié ma situation?

Did you understand my situation?

This phrase could be used in scenarios where one person is trying to find out if the other person comprehends the problem or circumstance they shared with them.

La situation économique est préoccupante.

English translation of La situation économique est préoccupante.

The economic situation is worrying.

This sentence is often used in the context of discussions related to the country's or a business's financial state or scenario.

Elle a expliqué la situation.

English translation of Elle a expliqué la situation.

She explained the situation.

This phrase indicates that a female individual has clarified or detailed a certain matter or circumstance.

Il essaie de changer la situation.

English translation of Il essaie de changer la situation.

He is trying to change the situation.

This phrase signifies that a male individual is making efforts to alter a particular state of affairs.

Je ne peux pas croire cette situation.

English translation of Je ne peux pas croire cette situation.

I can't believe this situation.

This expression shows disbelief towards a certain circumstance. It is commonly used in daily conversations.

La situation est inacceptable.

English translation of La situation est inacceptable.

The situation is unacceptable.

This phrase shows disapproval towards a circumstance or event. It could be used in official or formal communications.

Ils sont satisfaits de la situation.

English translation of Ils sont satisfaits de la situation.

They are satisfied with the situation.

This phrase implies that a group of people are pleased with the given scenario or circumstance.

La situation pourrait être meilleure.

English translation of La situation pourrait être meilleure.

The situation could be better.

This phrase indicates the speaker's dissatisfaction with the current scenario, believing that it could improve.

Il faut analyser la situation.

English translation of Il faut analyser la situation.

This phrase implies the need of understanding the circumstance or event thoroughly. It is commonly used in formal conversations or contexts, like in business or problem-solving scenarios.


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