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English translation of simple


In French, 'simple' is used the same way it is used in English, to describe something that is not complicated or difficult to understand or do. It can be used to describe objects, ideas, tasks and more. Just like in English, it can also be used to describe a person who is not intelligent or sophisticated.

Example sentences using: simple

Le plat du jour est une simple salade.

English translation of Le plat du jour est une simple salade.

The dish of the day is a simple salad.

This phrase can be used in a restaurant setting, where the daily special is a salad which is simple or plain.

La solution est simple.

English translation of La solution est simple.

The solution is simple.

This sentence can be used when expressing that the answer or resolution to a problem is straightforward or not complicated.

C'est une explication simple.

English translation of C'est une explication simple.

It's a simple explanation.

This phrase is used when describing an explanation that is easy to understand or straightforward.

Son rêve était simple mais profond.

English translation of Son rêve était simple mais profond.

His dream was simple but deep.

In this phrase, someone is describing a person's dream or ambition as being simple or not complicated, but meaningful and profound.

Une simple erreur peut causer un grand problème.

English translation of Une simple erreur peut causer un grand problème.

A simple mistake can cause a big problem.

This is a warning that even a small or simple mistake can result in a major issue or problem.

Il préfère une vie simple à la campagne.

English translation of Il préfère une vie simple à la campagne.

He prefers a simple life in the countryside.

In this phrase, it's said that someone prefers a less complicated or simple lifestyle in the countryside over a busy urban life.

C'est une simple coïncidence.

English translation of C'est une simple coïncidence.

It's a simple coincidence.

This phrase is usually used when two or more events happen at the same time by accident, but there is no connection between them.

Il a une simple requête à faire.

English translation of Il a une simple requête à faire.

He has a simple request to make.

This sentence is used when someone has a straightforward or uncomplicated request or wish to express.

Il s'agit d'un simple malentendu.

English translation of Il s'agit d'un simple malentendu.

It's a simple misunderstanding.

This refers to a situation where someone misunderstands something, but it's not a big deal or intense conflict.

Elle a une vision simple de la vie.

English translation of Elle a une vision simple de la vie.

She has a simple view of life.

When used in this context, it talks about a person who sees life in a simple or uncomplicated way.

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