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English translation of signe


The word 'signe' in French translation is 'sign' in English. It can be used in several contexts such as expressing a symbol, a signal, or an indication in the French language. For instance, a traffic sign is 'un signe de circulation' in French. As with most languages, the connotation of 'signe' may change depending on the context.

Example sentences using: signe

Elle m'a donné un signe de tête.

English translation of Elle m'a donné un signe de tête.

She gave me a nod.

The French phrase 'Elle m'a donné un signe de tête.' is commonly used in French to indicate the act of acknowledging or agreeing something by nodding.

La tour Eiffel est un signe important de Paris.

English translation of La tour Eiffel est un signe important de Paris.

The Eiffel Tower is an important sign of Paris.

This sentence is showing how the Eiffel Tower is a distinguishable symbol that represents the city of Paris.

Il m'a fait signe de la main.

English translation of Il m'a fait signe de la main.

He waved to me.

This is how you would say someone waved to you in French, indicating a physical gesture through the term 'signe de la main'.

C'est un signe de bonne chance.

English translation of C'est un signe de bonne chance.

It's a sign of good luck.

This sentence is expressing that a certain event or object is considered to be a symbol or an indicator of good fortune.

Je cherche un signe de vie.

English translation of Je cherche un signe de vie.

I am looking for a sign of life.

This phrase would typically be used when trying to locate any indication of life or activity, often used metaphorically in everyday usage.

C'est un signe de progrès.

English translation of C'est un signe de progrès.

It's a sign of progress.

This phrase indicates an event or situation is symbolising or indicating progress or advancement.

Il fait un signe de paix.

English translation of Il fait un signe de paix.

He is making a peace sign.

This phrase is used to denote someone creating a symbol commonly linked with peace.

Quel est ton signe de naissance?

English translation of Quel est ton signe de naissance?

What is your birth sign?

This phrase is asking about one's zodiac sign, which is determined by their birth date.

Le feu rouge est un signe d'arrêt.

English translation of Le feu rouge est un signe d'arrêt.

The red light is a stop sign.

In this context, 'signe' is used to indicate a warning or sign to stop movement - specifically referring to a red traffic light.

Le signe astrologique du Lion est associé à l'élément feu.

English translation of Le signe astrologique du Lion est associé à l'élément feu.

The astrological sign of Leo is associated with the element fire.

This sentence is explaining the elemental association of the astrological sign Leo in horoscopes, which is commonly spoken of in French.

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