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English translation of siècle


The French word for 'century' is 'siècle'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to a period of one hundred years. For example, 'le 21ème siècle' translates to 'the 21st century'. Just like in English, it can also be used to discuss periods in history, such as 'le siècle des Lumières', which means 'the Enlightenment period'.

Example sentences using: siècle

Nous vivons au 21ème siècle

English translation of Nous vivons au 21ème siècle

We live in the 21st century

This phrase uses 'siècle' to refer to a century or a period of 100 years. It can be used to talk about modern times and issues relevant to the current era.

Il est né au début du siècle

English translation of Il est né au début du siècle

He was born at the beginning of the century

In this instance, 'siècle' denotes a given century. The sentence refers to someones' birth year falling into the early period of a specific century.

La mode du siècle dernier est revenu

English translation of La mode du siècle dernier est revenu

The fashion from last century has returned

This statement uses 'siècle' to talk about past trends in fashion. 'Siècle dernier' refers to the previous century.

Le premier film a été créé à la fin du 19ème siècle

English translation of Le premier film a été créé à la fin du 19ème siècle

The first film was created at the end of the 19th century

Here, 'siècle' is used to describe a historic moment in a specific century, expressing when the first film was made.

La technologie du 21ème siècle a révolutionné notre quotidien

English translation of La technologie du 21ème siècle a révolutionné notre quotidien

21st-century technology has revolutionized our daily lives

In this example, 'siècle' is used to talk about the era where the technology took a significant place and changed the lifestyle drastically.

Le concept de l'égalité des genres a émergé au 20ème siècle

English translation of Le concept de l'égalité des genres a émergé au 20ème siècle

The concept of gender equality emerged in the 20th century

This phrase introduces 'siècle' to pinpoint a time in history when the concept of gender equality started to take shape.

Paris fut la ville la plus peuplée d'Europe au 17ème siècle

English translation of Paris fut la ville la plus peuplée d'Europe au 17ème siècle

Paris was the most populous city in Europe in the 17th century

This sentence uses 'siècle' to denote a specific century in history when Paris had the highest population in Europe.

Le 16ème siècle était un âge d'or pour la littérature espagnole

English translation of Le 16ème siècle était un âge d'or pour la littérature espagnole

The 16th century was a golden age for Spanish literature

Here, 'siècle' is used to mark a period of flourishing literature in Spain's history.

La vie au 18ème siècle était très différente d'aujourd'hui

English translation of La vie au 18ème siècle était très différente d'aujourd'hui

Life in the 18th century was very different from today

In this example, the word 'siècle' is used to highlight the crucial changes in lifestyle between the 18th century and today.

Les guerres du 20ème siècle ont changé le monde

English translation of Les guerres du 20ème siècle ont changé le monde

The wars of the 20th century have changed the world

This sentence uses 'siècle' to refer to a specific century in history and discuss its global impact in terms of wars and their consequences.

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