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English translation of sembler


The French word for 'seem' is 'sembler'. It is generally used in the same context as in English, to be used to give a feeling or impression about something. For example, 'it seems like it might rain today' translates to 'il semble qu'il pourrait pleuvoir aujourd'hui'. It is important to note that 'sembler' is a verb, so it changes form with different subjects and tenses.

Example sentences using: sembler

Il semble qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui.

English translation of Il semble qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui.

It seems like it's going to rain today.

This sentence uses 'sembler' to express a prediction or likelihood about the weather. It indicates that the speaker thinks it's likely to rain.

Tu sembles fatigué.

English translation of Tu sembles fatigué.

You seem tired.

In this sentence, 'sembler' is used to express an observation about someone's appearance or behavior. The speaker is suggesting that the person looks tired.

Elle ne semble pas comprendre la situation.

English translation of Elle ne semble pas comprendre la situation.

She does not seem to understand the situation.

Here, 'sembler' is used to express a subjective view about someone's understanding or perspective.

Nous semblons avoir perdu notre chemin.

English translation of Nous semblons avoir perdu notre chemin.

We seem to have lost our way.

In this example, 'sembler' is used to express a likely scenario or condition. The speaker suspects that they have lost their way.

Ils semblent très excités à propos de la nouvelle.

English translation of Ils semblent très excités à propos de la nouvelle.

They seem very excited about the news.

This sentence uses 'sembler' to describe others' apparent emotional state. It indicates that the people in question appear to be excited.

Cela semble être une bonne idée.

English translation of Cela semble être une bonne idée.

That seems like a good idea.

In this phrase, 'sembler' is used to express an opinion or judgment about something. The speaker is conveying that something appears to be a good idea.

Je semble avoir oublié mon parapluie.

English translation of Je semble avoir oublié mon parapluie.

I seem to have forgotten my umbrella.

In this example, 'sembler' is used to convey an unfortunate realization. The speaker has apparently forgotten their umbrella.

Le projet semble prometteur.

English translation of Le projet semble prometteur.

The project seems promising.

Here, 'sembler' is used to express a positive outlook on a situation or project. The speaker is optimistic about the project's prospects.

Vous semblez perdus, voulez-vous de l'aide ?

English translation of Vous semblez perdus, voulez-vous de l'aide ?

You seem lost, do you need help?

In this sentence, 'sembler' is used to make an observation and offer help. The speaker assumes that the person seems lost and offers to assist.

Ces fruits semblent délicieux.

English translation of Ces fruits semblent délicieux.

These fruits seem delicious.

This phrase uses 'sembler' to express an opinion or assumption about the taste of the fruits. The speaker thinks the fruits look appetizing.

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