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English translation of selon


The word 'selon' in French is used similarly to 'according' in English. It serves as a preposition and typically precedes a noun or pronoun to indicate the source of some information or to convey agreement with a stated perspective. For example, 'Selon le professeur, il va pleuvoir demain' translates to 'According to the professor, it will rain tomorrow'.

Example sentences using: selon

Selon le chef, le plat est prêt.

English translation of Selon le chef, le plat est prêt.

According to the chef, the dish is ready.

Here, 'selon' is used to convey a second-hand information or report. The chef is the source of the information.

Selon la météo, il va pleuvoir demain.

English translation of Selon la météo, il va pleuvoir demain.

According to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tomorrow.

'Selon la météo' is a common phrase used when relaying information from the weather forecast. The phrase represents the basis on which the prediction of rain is made.

Il est absent, selon son ami.

English translation of Il est absent, selon son ami.

He is absent, according to his friend.

In this sentence, 'selon' is used to specify the source of the information (his friend), adding credibility to the statement.

Selon les normes, il faut porter un casque.

English translation of Selon les normes, il faut porter un casque.

According to the standards, one must wear a helmet.

In this context, 'selon' is used to convey a rule or standard that must be followed.

Selon cette théorie, tout est possible.

English translation of Selon cette théorie, tout est possible.

According to this theory, everything is possible.

Here, 'selon' is used to reference the theory that is the basis for the claim that 'everything is possible'.

Selon les statistiques, le chômage augmente.

English translation of Selon les statistiques, le chômage augmente.

According to the statistics, unemployment is rising.

'Selon les statistiques' indicates that the statement about the rising unemployment is based on some statistical data.

Selon les règles, vous ne pouvez pas entrer ici.

English translation of Selon les règles, vous ne pouvez pas entrer ici.

According to the rules, you can't enter here.

In this sentence, 'selon' is used to justify the rule or restriction that prevents someone from entering a particular place. It's based on a formal regulation or rule set.

Selon elle, il est tard pour aller au cinéma.

English translation of Selon elle, il est tard pour aller au cinéma.

According to her, it's too late to go to the cinema.

This phrase uses 'selon' to express a person's opinion or perspective. In this case, the woman thinks it's too late to go to the cinema.

Selon moi, nous devrions partir maintenant.

English translation of Selon moi, nous devrions partir maintenant.

In my opinion, we should leave now.

This phrase translates directly to 'According to me, we should leave now.' It shows that 'selon' can be used to express personal opinions or perspectives on a matter.

Selon le calendrier, nous sommes le 12 février.

English translation of Selon le calendrier, nous sommes le 12 février.

According to the calendar, it's February 12th.

Here, 'selon' is used to refer to the calendar (the source of information about the date).

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