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English translation of science


The French word for 'science' is 'science', pronounced as see-ahns. It's used in much the same way as the English word, referring to a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It's a countable noun in both languages, so it can be plural or singular depending on context. Common expressions include 'les sciences naturelles' (natural sciences) and 'faire des sciences' (to study science).

Example sentences using: science

La science est fascinante.

English translation of La science est fascinante.

Science is fascinating.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses their interest in science by stating that it's fascinating.

J'étudie la science à l'université.

English translation of J'étudie la science à l'université.

I'm studying science at university.

This sentence is stating what the speaker is currently studying at university, which is science.

Je veux devenir professeur de science.

English translation of Je veux devenir professeur de science.

I want to become a science teacher.

Here, the speaker is communicating their career goal of becoming a science teacher.

Elle a écrit un livre sur la science.

English translation of Elle a écrit un livre sur la science.

She wrote a book about science.

This sentence is providing information about a book that a woman authored on the subject of science.

La science peut répondre à beaucoup de questions.

English translation of La science peut répondre à beaucoup de questions.

Science can answer many questions.

In this sentence, the speaker is highlighting the informative nature of the field of science.

La science-fiction est un genre littéraire intéressant.

English translation of La science-fiction est un genre littéraire intéressant.

Science fiction is an interesting literary genre.

The speaker is expressing their opinion about the literary genre of science fiction, finding it interesting.

La science est un sujet compliqué mais intéressant.

English translation of La science est un sujet compliqué mais intéressant.

Science is a complicated but interesting subject.

Here, the speaker is expressing their opinion that while science is a complicated subject, it is also intriguing.

Les avancées de la science sont impressionnantes.

English translation of Les avancées de la science sont impressionnantes.

The advances in science are impressive.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing admiration and amazement at the recent developments and progress in the field of science.

Nous avons besoin de plus de femmes en science.

English translation of Nous avons besoin de plus de femmes en science.

We need more women in science.

The speaker is expressing the need for more representation of women in the field of science.

Mon cours de science préféré est la biologie.

English translation of Mon cours de science préféré est la biologie.

My favorite science course is biology.

The speaker is expressing a personal preference for the science subject of biology.

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