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English translation of roi


In French, the word 'roi' means 'king'. It is used in the same way as in English, to denote a male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. It can also be used metaphorically in various expressions or to symbolize someone or something in a supreme position.

Example sentences using: roi

La puissance du roi est indiscutable.

English translation of La puissance du roi est indiscutable.

The king's power is indisputable.

Here, 'roi' is used in a possessive context which emphasises power or control, underlining the authority of the king.

Le roi règne sur le royaume.

English translation of Le roi règne sur le royaume.

The king rules over the kingdom.

This example demonstrates the use of 'roi' as a subject in a sentence. It implies authority and power, as the king is ruling over a kingdom.

Elle rêve de rencontrer le roi.

English translation of Elle rêve de rencontrer le roi.

She dreams of meeting the king.

This phrase 'roi' is used as an object, and explains the aspiration that someone could have - in this case, the desire to meet a king.

Le roi et la reine sont mariés depuis dix ans.

English translation of Le roi et la reine sont mariés depuis dix ans.

The king and the queen have been married for ten years.

In this example, 'roi' is part of a compound subject along with the queen, they've been married for ten years.

Le château du roi est grand.

English translation of Le château du roi est grand.

The king's castle is big.

This straightforward sentence uses the word 'roi' in a possessive context to describe the castle. The castle belongs to the king.

Le roi a une couronne en or.

English translation of Le roi a une couronne en or.

The king has a golden crown.

This example introduces the word 'roi' as a subject which possesses something, in this case, a golden crown.

La fille du roi est très belle.

English translation of La fille du roi est très belle.

The king's daughter is very beautiful.

In this sentence, 'roi' is used in a familial context to indicate a relationship with the daughter, who is described as being very beautiful.

Tout le monde respecte le roi.

English translation of Tout le monde respecte le roi.

Everyone respects the king.

This uses 'roi' as an object of an action, in this case, respect. Everyone is attributing respect to the king.

Le roi gouverne avec sagesse.

English translation of Le roi gouverne avec sagesse.

The king governs with wisdom.

This uses 'roi' as a subject that not only performs an action but does so with a certain attribute, in this case, wisdom.

Le roi est mort, vive le roi.

English translation of Le roi est mort, vive le roi.

The king is dead, long live the king.

This is a traditional proclamation made following the ascension of a new king, indicates the seamless transition of power.

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