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English translation of rêve


The French word for dream is 'rêve'. It can be used in many similar context as in English. It could mean a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. It could also be a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. Like English, it can be used both as a noun and a verb.

Example sentences using: rêve

Son rêve est de voyager dans le monde entier.

English translation of Son rêve est de voyager dans le monde entier.

His dream is to travel all over the world.

This describes an aspiration or ambition of a person who wants to see every part of the world.

Je rêve de devenir un artiste.

English translation of Je rêve de devenir un artiste.

I dream of becoming an artist.

This sentence reflects someone's ambition or future plans. It can be used when someone asks you about your future plans or dreams.

Il réalise enfin son rêve.

English translation of Il réalise enfin son rêve.

He finally realizes his dream.

This sentence can be used to explain that someone has finally achieved their goal or ambition after a long time.

C'est le rêve de toute une vie.

English translation of C'est le rêve de toute une vie.

It's the dream of a lifetime.

This phrase is usually used to describe some great achievement or experience that you've always wanted to have in your life.

C'était un rêve réalisé.

English translation of C'était un rêve réalisé.

It was a dream come true.

This is a phrase used when something you have always wanted has finally happened.

Il rêve de vivre à la campagne.

English translation of Il rêve de vivre à la campagne.

He dreams of living in the countryside.

This sentence shows a person's desired living situation. It means this person is longing for peaceful and rural life.

C'est lui le rêve de ma vie.

English translation of C'est lui le rêve de ma vie.

He is the dream of my life.

This sentence expresses a very deep affection for someone. It means that the person is the one you have always dreamed of.

Nous partageons le même rêve.

English translation of Nous partageons le même rêve.

We share the same dream.

This sentence can be used to express a common goal or vision between two or more persons.

Je n'abandonnerai pas mon rêve.

English translation of Je n'abandonnerai pas mon rêve.

I will not give up my dream.

This is a phrase of determination, indicating that one will persist in pursuing their dream despite challenges.

Elle rêve d'être une écrivain célèbre.

English translation of Elle rêve d'être une écrivain célèbre.

She dreams of being a famous writer.

This sentence shows a person's dream or ambition about their career. It implies that the person is passionate about writing.

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