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English translation of résultat


The French word 'résultat' is used in the same context as 'result' in English. It refers to the outcome of an event, procedure, or experiment. Its plural is 'résultats'. Example: Le résultat de l'examen est positif. which translates to The result of the exam is positive.

Example sentences using: résultat

Le résultat est satisfaisant.

English translation of Le résultat est satisfaisant.

The result is satisfactory.

This phrase is commonly used to express contentment or approval towards a specific outcome or result of a certain task.

J'attends le résultat avec impatience.

English translation of J'attends le résultat avec impatience.

I am eagerly awaiting the result.

This phrase illustrates anticipation. The person speaking is excitedly awaiting the outcome or result of something.

Le résultat n'est pas encore sorti.

English translation of Le résultat n'est pas encore sorti.

The result has not been released yet.

This phrase means that the result or outcome being referred to has not been made public or disclosed.

C'est le résultat de vos actions.

English translation of C'est le résultat de vos actions.

This is the result of your actions.

This phrase is typically used to imply that someone's actions have led to a certain outcome.

Mon travail a donné un bon résultat.

English translation of Mon travail a donné un bon résultat.

My work yielded a good result.

This phrase expresses satisfaction with the positive outcome or result derived from one's work or effort.

Le résultat de ce calcul est incorrect.

English translation of Le résultat de ce calcul est incorrect.

The result of this calculation is incorrect.

This is typically said when the outcome of a mathematical computation or calculation is not accurate.

Nous avons besoin du résultat pour avancer.

English translation of Nous avons besoin du résultat pour avancer.

We need the result to move forward.

This phrase indicates that progress is dependent on the outcome or result of something.

Le résultat final était surprenant.

English translation of Le résultat final était surprenant.

The final result was surprising.

This phrase indicates that the eventual or final outcome of a situation or a task did not align with prior expectations.

Ce n'est qu'un résultat temporaire.

English translation of Ce n'est qu'un résultat temporaire.

It's just a temporary result.

This phrase is used when the outcome or result is not permanent and is subject to change or modification in the future.

Le résultat de l'examen sera annoncé demain.

English translation of Le résultat de l'examen sera annoncé demain.

The result of the exam will be announced tomorrow.

The phrase is predicting a future scenario where the result of an exam, possibly a formal test taken in an academic setting, will be announced the next day.

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