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English translation of rester


The French word 'rester' translates to 'stay' in English. It is used similarly as in English, usually followed by a place to indicate that someone or something remains in one location. Meanwhile, it can also be used in a context to mean 'to continue to be' or 'to remain' in a particular state or condition.

Example sentences using: rester

Rester sans rien faire n'est pas une option.

English translation of Rester sans rien faire n'est pas une option.

Doing nothing is not an option.

This phrase uses 'rester' to indicate remaining inactive. The expression 'rester sans rien faire' means to do nothing or stand idle.

Il faut rester patient dans la vie.

English translation of Il faut rester patient dans la vie.

One must stay patient in life.

The phrase highlights the importance of patience in life. The verb 'rester' is used in the context of encouraging the reader to 'stay' or 'remain' patient no matter what comes their way.

Rester calme dans une telle situation est difficile.

English translation of Rester calme dans une telle situation est difficile.

Staying calm in such a situation is difficult.

This sentence uses 'rester' to indicate the act of remaining or staying calm in a challenging situation, showcasing its usage in expressing emotional states.

Je préfère rester chez moi ce soir.

English translation of Je préfère rester chez moi ce soir.

I prefer to stay at home tonight.

In this example, 'rester' is used to express a person's preference to stay at a certain place, which in this case is home.

Nous devons rester unis pour surmonter cette crise.

English translation of Nous devons rester unis pour surmonter cette crise.

We must stay united to overcome this crisis.

The sentence uses 'rester' to highlight the need to stay or remain united in order to overcome a crisis, indicating its usage in motivational contexts.

Vous pouvez rester à la fête aussi longtemps que vous le voulez.

English translation of Vous pouvez rester à la fête aussi longtemps que vous le voulez.

You can stay at the party as long as you want.

In this example, 'rester' is used to denote staying or remaining at an event or place for an indefinite amount of time.

Elle devrait rester en silence pendant la réunion.

English translation of Elle devrait rester en silence pendant la réunion.

She should remain silent during the meeting.

'Rester' is used in this context to mean 'remain', indicating that a person should not speak or make any noise during a specific situation.

Rester en bonne santé est important.

English translation of Rester en bonne santé est important.

Staying healthy is important.

In this sentence, 'rester' is associated with maintaining a certain condition, in this case, good health which is key for well-being. It indirectly implies that one should follow good lifestyle habits.

Je vais rester optimiste malgré les difficultés.

English translation of Je vais rester optimiste malgré les difficultés.

I'm going to stay optimistic despite the difficulties.

In this sentence, 'rester' is used in the context of maintaining a positive mindset or staying optimistic amidst difficulties.

Nous avons décidé de rester amis malgré la rupture.

English translation of Nous avons décidé de rester amis malgré la rupture.

We decided to stay friends despite the breakup.

This phrase uses 'rester' in a relational context, with the couple deciding to remain or 'stay' friends even after ending their romantic relationship.

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