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English translation of républicain


The French word 'républicain' translates to 'republican' in English. It is used to describe someone who supports a republic, a type of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body. In the context of French politics, it refers to members or supporters of the 'Les Républicains', a center-right political party in France. However, like in English, it can also be used in a broader sense to describe someone who supports the ideology of republicanism.

Example sentences using: républicain

Le système républicain respecte la liberté de chacun.

English translation of Le système républicain respecte la liberté de chacun.

The republican system respects everyone's freedom.

Here, 'républicain' is used to refer to a type of political system that guarantees everyone's freedom. In the context of the sentence, it implies a democratic society where people's rights are protected.

J'admire les principes républicains.

English translation of J'admire les principes républicains.

I admire republican principles.

In this context, 'républicain' is used to refer to the principles or beliefs commonly associated with a republic or its political ideology. This implies the speaker appreciates democratic ideals.

La convention républicaine se tient chaque année.

English translation of La convention républicaine se tient chaque année.

The Republican convention is held every year.

In this example, 'républicain' pertains to the annual gathering of Republican party members where political matters are typically discussed.

L'histoire républicaine est riche et variée.

English translation of L'histoire républicaine est riche et variée.

Republican history is rich and varied.

In this sentence, 'républicain' is used to denote a specific kind of historical narrative, one associated with the Republican party or a republic.

Il a lu l'art de la guerre des candidats républicains.

English translation of Il a lu l'art de la guerre des candidats républicains.

He read the art of war of Republican candidates.

In this case, 'républicain' is used to specify the candidates from the Republican party. It means the reader is interested on the strategies or policies Republican candidates use in their political fights.

Elle étudie le droit constitutionnel républicain.

English translation of Elle étudie le droit constitutionnel républicain.

She is studying Republican constitutional law.

In this sentence, 'républicain' is used to specify a subfield in law related to Republican ideals or the constitution of a republic.

Le sénateur républicain a proposé un nouveau projet de loi.

English translation of Le sénateur républicain a proposé un nouveau projet de loi.

The Republican senator proposed a new bill.

This sentence uses 'républicain' to indicate the political alignment of a senator. It implies that the proposed bill likely aligns with Republican principles.

La victoire du candidat républicain a surpris tout le monde.

English translation of La victoire du candidat républicain a surpris tout le monde.

The victory of the Republican candidate surprised everyone.

Here, 'républicain' is used to indicate the political party the winning candidate belongs to. It means the outcome of the election was unexpected by the public.

Il est membre du parti républicain.

English translation of Il est membre du parti républicain.

He is a member of the Republican Party.

In this sentence, 'républicain' is used to refer to the Republican Party, which is a major political party. This usage implies that the person referred to is actively involved in politics.

Le discours républicain a été inspirant.

English translation of Le discours républicain a été inspirant.

The republican speech was inspiring.

In this sentence, 'républicain' is used to describe the type of speech given. It implies that the speech was given by a member of the Republican party and was inspiring to those who listened.

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