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English translation of repos


The French word 'repos' is used in the same context as the English word 'rest'. It can be used to indicate a period of relaxation or sleep, where no work is done or the cessation of motion or activity. For example, 'Je suis fatigué, j'ai besoin de repos.' translates to, 'I am tired, I need some rest.'

Example sentences using: repos

J'ai besoin de repos.

English translation of J'ai besoin de repos.

I need rest.

The phrase highlights the use of the noun 'repos' to express the need for rest, possibly due to fatigue or strain.

Il est temps pour votre repos.

English translation of Il est temps pour votre repos.

It is time for your rest.

The sentence is telling someone that it's time for them to rest. 'Repos' stands for 'rest' here.

Prends du repos, tu as l'air fatigué.

English translation of Prends du repos, tu as l'air fatigué.

Take a rest, you look tired.

This sentence is giving advice to someone who appears tired, advising them to take some rest.

Le dimanche est un jour de repos.

English translation of Le dimanche est un jour de repos.

Sunday is a day of rest.

This sentence is describing Sunday as a day of rest, which is a common religious and cultural practice.

Je cherche un endroit tranquille pour un peu de repos.

English translation of Je cherche un endroit tranquille pour un peu de repos.

I am looking for a quiet place for a little rest.

This sentence is about someone seeking a serene location where they can rest comfortably.

Elle prend un repos bien mérité.

English translation of Elle prend un repos bien mérité.

She is taking a well-deserved rest.

This sentence is referring to a woman who is resting, suggesting that she has earned this rest through hard work or effort.

Le repos est essentiel pour la santé.

English translation of Le repos est essentiel pour la santé.

Rest is essential for health.

This sentence is underlining the importance of rest to maintain good health.

Nous avons eu un long voyage, maintenant nous avons besoin de repos.

English translation of Nous avons eu un long voyage, maintenant nous avons besoin de repos.

We had a long journey, now we need some rest.

This sentence is talking about people who have been on a long journey and now require rest.

Après l'effort, le repos.

English translation of Après l'effort, le repos.

After effort, rest.

This is a simple straightforward sentence indicating that rest should follow after exertion of effort.

Mon travail consiste à assurer le repos des personnes âgées.

English translation of Mon travail consiste à assurer le repos des personnes âgées.

My job is to ensure the rest of the elderly people.

This sentence is about someone whose duty is to ensure that elderly people get their rest.

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