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English translation of remorque


The French word for 'trailer' is 'remorque'. It can be used in various contexts, but is usually associated with a movable object that is hitched to the back of a vehicle for transport. Just like in English, 'remorque' can also refer to a trailer for movies or TV series in French, though this usage is less common.

Example sentences using: remorque

J'ai garé la remorque à côté de la maison.

English translation of J'ai garé la remorque à côté de la maison.

I parked the trailer next to the house.

This sentence is using 'remorque' to refer to a trailer that is being parked next to a house. The verb 'garé' is the past participle of 'garer', which means 'to park'.

Elle ouvre la porte de la remorque.

English translation of Elle ouvre la porte de la remorque.

She opens the trailer door.

The sentence uses 'remorque' to refer to a trailer. The verb 'ouvre' (opens) is being used in reference to the action of opening the trailer door.

La charge est trop lourde pour la remorque.

English translation of La charge est trop lourde pour la remorque.

The load is too heavy for the trailer.

In this sentence, 'remorque' refers to a trailer that is unable to handle a heavy load. The word 'charge' is the noun for 'load' and 'lourde' means 'heavy'.

Je vais chercher une remorque.

English translation of Je vais chercher une remorque.

I'm going to get a trailer.

In this context, 'remorque' is used to signify a trailer that the speaker is going to get. The verb 'chercher' means 'to get' or 'to look for'.

La remorque est attachée à l'arrière de la voiture.

English translation of La remorque est attachée à l'arrière de la voiture.

The trailer is attached at the back of the car.

In this context, 'remorque' is used to denote a trailer attached at the back of a car. The phrase 'à l'arrière de la voiture' means 'at the back of the car'.

Pouvez-vous déplacer la remorque?

English translation of Pouvez-vous déplacer la remorque?

Can you move the trailer?

Here, 'remorque' refers to a trailer that someone is being asked to move. The phrase 'Pouvez-vous déplacer' translates to 'Can you move'.

Je vais louer une remorque pour le déménagement.

English translation of Je vais louer une remorque pour le déménagement.

I will rent a trailer for the move.

In this context, 'remorque' refers to a trailer that the speaker is going to rent for a move. The verb 'louer' means 'to rent' and 'déménagement' means moving.

La remorque a un pneu crevé.

English translation of La remorque a un pneu crevé.

The trailer has a flat tire.

In this sentence, 'remorque' is used to refer to a trailer that has a flat tire. The phrase 'pneu crevé' translates to 'flat tire'.

La remorque est pleine de meubles.

English translation of La remorque est pleine de meubles.

The trailer is full of furniture.

In this sentence, 'remorque' is used to refer to a trailer that is full of furniture. The word for furniture in French is 'meubles'.

Il faut attacher la remorque à la voiture.

English translation of Il faut attacher la remorque à la voiture.

You have to attach the trailer to the car.

Here, 'remorque' is used to refer to a trailer that needs to be attached to a car. The verb 'attacher' means to attach in English.

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