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English translation of règle


The French word 'règle' corresponds to 'rule' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as literal rules or guidelines to follow, a regular or standard procedure, measurement tool, or even in mathematical context just like its English counterpart. Always pay attention to the context as it might alter the word's meaning.

Example sentences using: règle

La règle est très stricte.

English translation of La règle est très stricte.

The rule is very strict.

This sentence is stating how strict or inflexible a certain rule or law is. Strict here means that the rule must be followed precisely and there's little to no room for deviation or flexibility.

Il a brisé la règle.

English translation of Il a brisé la règle.

He broke the rule.

This sentence is used to indicate that someone has not followed the rule or guidelines given, implying he/she did something that was not allowed.

Je dois mesurer avec une règle.

English translation of Je dois mesurer avec une règle.

I need to measure with a ruler.

In this context, 'règle' refers to a ruler - a tool used for measurement. The sentence is indicating a necessity to measure something using a ruler.

La règle d'or est de ne jamais mentir.

English translation of La règle d'or est de ne jamais mentir.

The golden rule is to never lie.

Here, it is referring to a 'golden rule', which is a basic principle that should be followed to ensure success in a particular activity or sphere.

Elle a tracé une ligne droite avec une règle.

English translation of Elle a tracé une ligne droite avec une règle.

She drew a straight line with a ruler.

In this sentence, 'règle' means a ruler. It is used to indicate that a person used a ruler to draw a straight line.

Cette règle s'applique à tout le monde.

English translation of Cette règle s'applique à tout le monde.

This rule applies to everyone.

This phrase suggests that the specified rule is applicable to every single person involved without exceptions.

Chaque jeu a ses règles.

English translation of Chaque jeu a ses règles.

Every game has its rules.

This sentence infers that every game, whether it's a physical sport or a board game, has its own set of regulations that must be followed.

La règle est simple à comprendre.

English translation of La règle est simple à comprendre.

The rule is easy to understand.

This phrase suggests that the rule or regulation in question is not complex, and can be easily comprehended.

Les règles ont changé.

English translation of Les règles ont changé.

The rules have changed.

This sentence indicates that the established rules or guidelines were modified or altered.

Il est important de respecter la règle.

English translation of Il est important de respecter la règle.

It's important to respect the rule.

This phrase infers that following the prescribed rule or guidelines is vital or crucial.

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