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English translation of quelqu'un


The French word for 'someone' is 'quelqu'un'. It is used the same way it is in English, to refer to an unspecified person. The term 'quelqu'un' is predominantly used in most of the conversations to represent a person whose identity is not known or not specifically mentioned. An example of its usage in a sentence is: 'Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider', which translates to, 'I'm looking for someone who can help me.'

Example sentences using: quelqu'un

Est-ce que quelqu'un a vu mon téléphone?

English translation of Est-ce que quelqu'un a vu mon téléphone?

Has anyone seen my phone?

This phrase is often used when you have misplaced something and are asking for assistance in finding it. 'Est-ce que' translates to 'is it that' and is a commonly used phrase to introduce questions.

Quelqu'un m'a dit que tu étais en ville.

English translation of Quelqu'un m'a dit que tu étais en ville.

Someone told me that you were in town.

This phrase is used to explain how the speaker obtained a certain piece of information. The 'm'a dit' translates directly to 'told me', relating how the speaker heard about the person being in town.

Quelqu'un a laissé sa veste dans la salle de classe.

English translation of Quelqu'un a laissé sa veste dans la salle de classe.

Someone has left their jacket in the classroom.

This is a declarative sentence, and it's used when notifying others about an item that someone has forgotten or left behind. The expression 'a laissé' translates as 'has left' indicating a past action.

Il y a toujours quelqu'un qui arrive en retard à la réunion.

English translation of Il y a toujours quelqu'un qui arrive en retard à la réunion.

There is always someone who arrives late to the meeting.

This phrase is often used to describe a recurring situation. Despite its negative connotation, it simply describes an observation or a common occurrence.

Quelqu'un peut-il ouvrir la porte, s'il vous plaît?

English translation of Quelqu'un peut-il ouvrir la porte, s'il vous plaît?

Can someone please open the door?

This phrase is a polite request for assistance. The use of 's'il vous plaît' at the end of the sentence is a polite way to say 'please' in French.

Savez-vous si quelqu'un a pris le dernier morceau de gâteau?

English translation of Savez-vous si quelqu'un a pris le dernier morceau de gâteau?

Do you know if someone took the last piece of cake?

This is a common phrase used when you're trying to find out who did something, in this case, who took the last piece of cake. 'Savez-vous' translates directly to 'do you know'.

Peut-être que quelqu'un d'autre a une meilleure idée.

English translation of Peut-être que quelqu'un d'autre a une meilleure idée.

Maybe someone else has a better idea.

This sentence implies the speaker's humility and willingness to consider other people's ideas. It signifies openness to different perspectives.

Est-ce que quelqu'un ici parle anglais?

English translation of Est-ce que quelqu'un ici parle anglais?

Does anyone here speak English?

This sentence would typically be used in a situation where the speaker is looking for someone who can communicate or translate in English. It's a direct question soliciting a yes or no response.

Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider avec mes devoirs.

English translation of Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider avec mes devoirs.

I am looking for someone who can help me with my homework.

This is a sentence that you would use when you need help with something. In this case, it's homework. The speaker is expressing a need, and therefore uses the verb 'cherche' which means 'looking for'.

Nous avons besoin de quelqu'un pour diriger ce projet.

English translation of Nous avons besoin de quelqu'un pour diriger ce projet.

We need someone to lead this project.

This phrase is typically used in a business or academic context, where there's a need for a person to oversee or manage a project.

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