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English translation of puissance


In French, 'puissance' is used to refer to the concept of 'power', particularly in the context of energy, strength, or governmental authority. Like the English 'power', 'puissance' can be used in various contexts, such as the power of a country, the power of an engine, or the power of a natural force.

Example sentences using: puissance

La voiture a beaucoup de puissance.

English translation of La voiture a beaucoup de puissance.

The car has a lot of power.

In this context, 'puissance' refers to the strength or 'power' of a car's engine.

La puissance de votre amour me rend plus fort.

English translation of La puissance de votre amour me rend plus fort.

The power of your love makes me stronger.

This sentence is expressing how someone feels stronger because of the intense or 'powerful' love they receive from another person.

La France est une puissance mondiale.

English translation of La France est une puissance mondiale.

France is a global power.

This phrase refers to the position of France as a significant or 'powerful' country with influence on a global scale.

Il ne faut pas sous-estimer la puissance de la nature.

English translation of Il ne faut pas sous-estimer la puissance de la nature.

One should not underestimate the power of nature.

In this sentence, 'puissance' is used to show the immense strength and potential force of nature.

La puissance de l’esprit est sans limite.

English translation of La puissance de l’esprit est sans limite.

The power of the mind is limitless.

This line indicates the belief in the limitless 'power' or potential of the human mind.

C'est une chanson pleine de puissance et d’émotion.

English translation of C'est une chanson pleine de puissance et d’émotion.

It's a song full of power and emotion.

Here, 'puissance' is used to describe a song that has strong emotional impact or 'power'.

Il n’a pas la puissance nécessaire pour terminer la course.

English translation of Il n’a pas la puissance nécessaire pour terminer la course.

He doesn't have the necessary power to finish the race.

In this example, 'puissance' refers to the physical energy or 'power' one might need to finish a physical task such as a race.

La puissance du vent a fait tomber l'arbre.

English translation of La puissance du vent a fait tomber l'arbre.

The power of the wind knocked down the tree.

This sentence describes a situation where strong or 'powerful' wind was able to knock down a tree.

Il a perdu toute sa puissance en vieillissant.

English translation of Il a perdu toute sa puissance en vieillissant.

He lost all his power as he grew old.

Here, 'puissance' is used to describe the physical strength or 'power' that someone has lost over the years with aging.

La puissance du lion est impressionnante.

English translation of La puissance du lion est impressionnante.

The power of the lion is impressive.

This sentence is commenting on the impressive strength or 'power' of a lion.

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