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English translation of pronation


Pronation in French is also 'pronation'. It is a term generally used in sports and medical context that refers to the inward roll of the foot during normal motion and occurs as the outer edge of the heel strikes the ground and the foot rolls inward and flattens out. It absorbs shock and supports body weight. It's the same usage and concept in English and French.

Example sentences using: pronation

La pronation désigne généralement un mouvement de rotation de la main et de l'avant-bras.

English translation of La pronation désigne généralement un mouvement de rotation de la main et de l'avant-bras.

Pronation generally refers to a movement of rotation of the hand and forearm.

In this sentence, the term 'pronation' is used in the context of physiology to describe a specific movement of the hand and forearm.

La pronation est aussi utilisée dans le sport, notamment en tennis, pour le mouvement du poignet lors du service.

English translation of La pronation est aussi utilisée dans le sport, notamment en tennis, pour le mouvement du poignet lors du service.

Pronation is also used in sports, particularly in tennis, for the wrist movement during the serve.

This example refers to how the term 'pronation' is used within the context of sports, more specifically in tennis, to describe a particular wrist action during serving.

Un déséquilibre dans la pronation et la supination peut causer des problèmes orthopédiques.

English translation of Un déséquilibre dans la pronation et la supination peut causer des problèmes orthopédiques.

An imbalance in pronation and supination can cause orthopedic problems.

In this context, 'pronation' and 'supination' refer to specific kinds of rotational movements. The sentence explains that imbalance in these movements can lead to orthopedic issues.

La pronation excessive du pied peut entraîner des douleurs au niveau du genou.

English translation of La pronation excessive du pied peut entraîner des douleurs au niveau du genou.

Excessive foot pronation can lead to knee pain.

This sentence refers to the concept of 'pronation' within the context of body mechanics. Specifically, it addresses the idea that excessive pronation of the foot may cause knee pain.

Le terme pronation est principalement utilisé en anatomie pour indiquer le mouvement de rotation du membre supérieur.

English translation of Le terme pronation est principalement utilisé en anatomie pour indiquer le mouvement de rotation du membre supérieur.

The term pronation is mainly used in anatomy to indicate the rotational movement of the upper limb.

This example uses the term 'pronation' within the context of anatomy, portraying its usage to describe a type of rotational motion of the upper limb.

La pronation joue un rôle important dans la stabilité d'une personne lors de la marche ou de la course.

English translation of La pronation joue un rôle important dans la stabilité d'une personne lors de la marche ou de la course.

Pronation plays an important role in a person's stability during walking or running.

This sentence refers to the important role pronation plays in maintaining stability during movements such as walking or running.

English translation of Le physiothérapeute a recommandé des exercices pour corriger ma pronation excessive.

The physiotherapist recommended exercises to correct my excessive pronation.

In this context, the term 'pronation' refers to a condition (excessive pronation) that the speaker has. A physiotherapist has recommended exercises for its correction.

La pronation est un mouvement naturel qui a lieu au cours de la locomotion.

English translation of La pronation est un mouvement naturel qui a lieu au cours de la locomotion.

Pronation is a natural movement that occurs during locomotion.

This sentence describes pronation as a natural movement which takes place during locomotion, that is, the act of moving from one place to another.

La pronation reste un critère important pour le choix de chaussures de course.

English translation of La pronation reste un critère important pour le choix de chaussures de course.

Pronation remains an important criterion for the choice of running shoes.

The example refers to the concept of 'pronation' in the context of selecting running shoes, indicating its importance as factor in making the right choice.

Votre pronation peut avoir un effet sur votre façon de courir.

English translation of Votre pronation peut avoir un effet sur votre façon de courir.

Your pronation can have an effect on your running style.

This sentence suggests that 'pronation', or the way your foot rotates as it makes contact with the ground, can affect how you run.

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