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English translation of professeur


The word 'professeur' in French is used similar to the English word 'professor', used to address or refer to a teacher in the academic field, particularly in higher education like college or university. Just like in English, it carries a connotation of respect for the individual's knowledge in their particular subject area.

Example sentences using: professeur

Mon professeur est très intelligent.

English translation of Mon professeur est très intelligent.

My professor is very intelligent.

This is a simple sentence to compliment a professor's intelligence. 'Mon' means 'My', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'est' means 'is' and 'très intelligent' means 'very intelligent'.

Le professeur écrit sur le tableau.

English translation of Le professeur écrit sur le tableau.

The professor is writing on the board.


La classe du professeur est grande.

English translation of La classe du professeur est grande.

The professor's class is large.

This sentence describes the size of a professor's class. 'La' means 'The', 'classe' means 'class', 'du' means 'of the' or 'from the', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'est' means 'is' and 'grande' means 'large'.

La voiture du professeur est rouge.

English translation of La voiture du professeur est rouge.

The professor's car is red.

This sentence is giving a detailed information about the color of a professor's car. 'La' means 'The', 'voiture' means 'car', 'du' means 'of the' or 'from the', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'est' means 'is' and 'rouge' means 'red'.

J'apprends beaucoup de mon professeur.

English translation of J'apprends beaucoup de mon professeur.

I learn a lot from my professor.

This sentence is expressing someone's learning experience from their professor. 'J'apprends' means 'I learn', 'beaucoup' means 'a lot', 'de' means 'from' and 'mon professeur' means 'my professor'.

Je respecte mon professeur.

English translation of Je respecte mon professeur.

I respect my professor.

This sentence is affirming an individual's respect for their professor. 'Je respecte' means 'I respect' and 'mon professeur' means 'my professor'.

Le professeur lit un livre.

English translation of Le professeur lit un livre.

The professor is reading a book.

This sentence is describing a professor's activity. 'Le' means 'The', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'lit' means 'is reading' and 'un livre' means 'a book'.

Le cours du professeur était très intéressant.

English translation of Le cours du professeur était très intéressant.

The professor's course was very interesting.

This sentence is giving an opinion about a professor's course. 'Le' means 'The', 'cours' means 'course', 'du professeur' means 'of the professor', 'était' means 'was' and 'très intéressant' means 'very interesting'.

Le professeur est très strict.

English translation of Le professeur est très strict.

The professor is very strict.

This sentence is describing a professor's personality. 'Le' means 'The', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'est' means 'is' and 'très strict' means 'very strict'.

Ce professeur parle plusieurs langues.

English translation of Ce professeur parle plusieurs langues.

This professor speaks several languages.

This sentence is indicating that the professor can speak many different languages. 'Ce' means 'This', 'professeur' means 'professor', 'parle' means 'speaks' and 'plusieurs langues' means 'several languages'.

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