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English translation of prochain


The French word 'prochain' is used in the same context as the English word 'next'. It is often used to refer to an upcoming event or item in a sequence. For example, you would say 'le prochain arrêt' to refer to 'the next stop' on a bus or train journey.

Example sentences using: prochain

Je commence le prochain semestre à Paris.

English translation of Je commence le prochain semestre à Paris.

I start next semester in Paris.

This phrase states the speaker's plan for the upcoming semester, revealing that it will be spent in the city of Paris in France.

Le train prochain arrive dans cinq minutes.

English translation of Le train prochain arrive dans cinq minutes.

The next train arrives in five minutes.

In this sentence, 'prochain' is used to denote the upcoming arrival of the next train.

La prochaine fois, nous devrions essayer quelque chose de différent.

English translation of La prochaine fois, nous devrions essayer quelque chose de différent.

Next time, we should try something different.

This sentence expresses a desire to change strategies or approaches by trying something different during the next opportunity.

Prochain sur la liste est le livre de maths.

English translation of Prochain sur la liste est le livre de maths.

Next on the list is the maths book.

Here, 'prochain' is used to refer to what is coming up next on a supposed list, in this case, a maths book.

Avez-vous pensé à votre prochain déménagement?

English translation of Avez-vous pensé à votre prochain déménagement?

Have you thought about your next move?

This sentence asks about a person's future plans or next steps, referred to as 'prochain déménagement' in French.

Le prochain chapitre est très intéressant.

English translation of Le prochain chapitre est très intéressant.

The next chapter is very interesting.

This phrase describes the next chapter in a book or a course as being interesting.

La prochaine réunion sera mardi prochain.

English translation of La prochaine réunion sera mardi prochain.

The next meeting will be next Tuesday.

This sentence announces when the next meeting or gathering will take place, which is the following Tuesday.

Je planifie mon prochain voyage à Tokyo.

English translation of Je planifie mon prochain voyage à Tokyo.

I'm planning my next trip to Tokyo.

This phrase outlines the speaker's current planning regarding a future trip, which will be to Tokyo.

Quelle est notre prochaine étape?

English translation of Quelle est notre prochaine étape?

What's our next step?

This sentence asks about the next intended action or step in a process.

Notre prochain arrêt est le musée de l'art.

English translation of Notre prochain arrêt est le musée de l'art.

Our next stop is the art museum.

This phrase could be used while giving directions or a tour. The 'next stop' denoted by 'prochain arrêt' is the art museum.

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