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English translation of préoccupation


The French translation for 'concern' is 'préoccupation'. It is used in much the same way as it is in English, to indicate worry or interest in something or someone. It can be used in the context of personal worries (e.g. 'ma plus grande préoccupation est ma santé' which means 'my biggest concern is my health') or in the context of expressing interest or involvement in a matter (e.g. 'c'est une préoccupation pour moi' which means 'it's a concern to me').

Example sentences using: préoccupation

Votre santé est ma principale préoccupation.

English translation of Votre santé est ma principale préoccupation.

Your health is my primary concern.

In this sentence, 'préoccupation' is translated to 'concern'. It implies a matter of worry or something that occupies one's mind. Here, one's major worry is the health of the other person.

La préoccupation de l'environnement est de plus en plus importante.

English translation of La préoccupation de l'environnement est de plus en plus importante.

Environmental concern is increasingly important.

In this sentence, 'préoccupation' means 'concern'. The sentence is highlighting the growing importance of being concerned about the environment.

Ma principale préoccupation est la sécurité de mes employés.

English translation of Ma principale préoccupation est la sécurité de mes employés.

My main concern is the safety of my employees.

Here, 'préoccupation' is described as 'concern'. The sentence expresses that the safety of the employees is the speaker's main worry or concern.

La préoccupation majeure de la société est l'inégalité des revenus.

English translation of La préoccupation majeure de la société est l'inégalité des revenus.

The major concern of society is income inequality.

In this sentence, 'préoccupation' is translated as 'concern'. It emphasizes that the biggest worry for society is income inequality.

Le réchauffement climatique est une préoccupation mondiale.

English translation of Le réchauffement climatique est une préoccupation mondiale.

Global warming is a worldwide concern.

Here, 'préoccupation' means 'concern'. It shows that the issue of concern for all the people around the world is global warming.

Sa préoccupation constante est la satisfaction du client.

English translation of Sa préoccupation constante est la satisfaction du client.

His constant concern is customer satisfaction.

In this phrase, 'préoccupation' is translated as 'concern'. The speaker's constant focus or worry is ensuring that customers are satisfied.

Il est évident que son absence est une préoccupation majeure pour vous.

English translation of Il est évident que son absence est une préoccupation majeure pour vous.

It is obvious that his absence is a major concern for you.

In this sentence, 'préoccupation' means 'concern'. Here, it is obvious to the speaker that the other person is greatly worried about someone's absence.

Votre préoccupation est mon problème.

English translation of Votre préoccupation est mon problème.

Your concern is my problem.

In this phrase, 'préoccupation' is translated as 'concern'. The speaker is empathy toward someone and considers their worry as his/her personal problem.

La préoccupation financière est un stress énorme pour moi.

English translation of La préoccupation financière est un stress énorme pour moi.

Financial concern is a huge stress for me.

Here, 'préoccupation' is described as 'concern'. It shows the speaker's worry towards financial matters which causes him/her a lot of stress.

L'éducation de nos enfants est une grande préoccupation pour nous.

English translation of L'éducation de nos enfants est une grande préoccupation pour nous.

The education of our children is a big concern for us.

Here, 'préoccupation' is translated as 'concern'. This phrase shows that the education of their children is a worry or a matter that needs attention for the speakers.

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