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English translation of poulet


The French word 'poulet' translates to 'chicken' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the animal as well as the meat. For instance, in a restaurant, you might order 'poulet' from the menu.

Example sentences using: poulet

J'aime le poulet rôti.

English translation of J'aime le poulet rôti.

I love roast chicken.

This sentence expresses a preference for a certain kind of food, specifically roasted chicken in this case.

Le poulet est dans le frigo.

English translation of Le poulet est dans le frigo.

The chicken is in the fridge.

This sentence informs about the location of a specific item, in this case, the chicken which is in the fridge.

Je vais cuisiner du poulet ce soir.

English translation of Je vais cuisiner du poulet ce soir.

I'm going to cook chicken tonight.

This sentence shares future plans, indicating the speaker will prepare a meal with chicken.

Le poulet est cuit à la perfection.

English translation of Le poulet est cuit à la perfection.

The chicken is cooked to perfection.

This sentence expresses satisfaction with the preparation of the chicken, suggesting that it is perfectly cooked.

Le poulet a brûlé.

English translation of Le poulet a brûlé.

The chicken burned.

This sentence conveys that the chicken has been overcooked or left on a heat source for too long.

Le poulet est prêt à être servi.

English translation of Le poulet est prêt à être servi.

The chicken is ready to be served.

This sentence indicates that preparation of the chicken dish is complete and is now ready to be served.

Je préfère le poulet au porc.

English translation of Je préfère le poulet au porc.

I prefer chicken to pork.

This sentence expresses a preference for chicken when compared to pork.

Il nous reste encore du poulet.

English translation of Il nous reste encore du poulet.

We still have some chicken left.

This sentence informs that some quantity of chicken remains, suggesting it was not all consumed.

Le poulet est très savoureux.

English translation of Le poulet est très savoureux.

The chicken is very tasty.

This sentence expresses an opinion about the flavor of the chicken, indicating it is very tasty.

English translation of Le poulet est une viande populaire.

Chicken is a popular meat.

This is an example of a general statement about the popularity of chicken as a type of meat.

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