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English translation of position


The French translation of 'position' is 'poste'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English, referring to a person's place in a job or organization. However, it's worth noting that 'poste' is also used frequently to describe a post or station, like in sports or professions. Therefore, the application of this word can vary greatly depending on the context it is being used in.

Example sentences using: position

Sa position dans l'entreprise a changé.

English translation of Sa position dans l'entreprise a changé.

His position in the company has changed.

In this statement, 'position' refers to a person's job or role within a company.

Il a pris une position claire sur le sujet.

English translation of Il a pris une position claire sur le sujet.

In this sentence, 'position' refers to an opinion or stance on a particular topic or issue.


Je ne comprends pas la position de la voiture.

English translation of Je ne comprends pas la position de la voiture.

I don't understand the position of the car.

Here, 'position' refers to the location or orientation of a car, which is apparently unclear or confusing to the speaker.

La position de la France dans cette discussion est importante.

English translation of La position de la France dans cette discussion est importante.

France's position in this discussion is important.

This sentence uses 'position' to refer to France's stance or role within a certain discussion.

La position de la fenêtre permet une vue magnifique.

English translation of La position de la fenêtre permet une vue magnifique.

The position of the window allows for a beautiful view.

In this context, 'position' refers to the location or placement of a window that enables a beautiful view.

La position du soleil indique qu'il est midi.

English translation of La position du soleil indique qu'il est midi.

The position of the sun indicates that it is noon.

Here, 'position' is used in the context of telling time based on the location of the sun in the sky.

Il vérifie la position de ses joueurs avant le match.

English translation of Il vérifie la position de ses joueurs avant le match.

He checks the position of his players before the match.

In this example, 'position' refers to the strategic location or arrangement of players in a sports game.

La position de cette chaise n'est pas confortable.

English translation of La position de cette chaise n'est pas confortable.

The position of this chair is not comfortable.

This sentence refers to the placement or orientation of a chair, using 'position' to suggest that it is not comfortable.

La position de l'étoile dans le ciel est impressionnante.

English translation of La position de l'étoile dans le ciel est impressionnante.

The position of the star in the sky is impressive.

This sentence is talking about the location or placement of a star in the sky, using 'position' to denote its location.

Le positionnement de votre produit est crucial pour son succès.

English translation of Le positionnement de votre produit est crucial pour son succès.

The positioning of your product is crucial for its success.

This sentence uses 'position' in a marketing context, referring to how a product is perceived in relation to competing products in the market.

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