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English translation of police


In French, the word 'police' has similar meaning as it does in English. It is used to refer to the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. It holds the same spelling, pronunciation and context in both languages, making it easier to remember. An example of its use in a sentence would be - 'Elle travaille pour la police', which translates to 'She works for the police'.

Example sentences using: police

Appeler la police est une mesure de sécurité importante en cas de besoin.

English translation of Appeler la police est une mesure de sécurité importante en cas de besoin.

Calling the police is an important safety measure when needed.

This sentence teaches that the French word for 'call' is 'appeler'. It shows how to use the verb 'appeler' in the context of calling the police for safety reasons.

La police est en train d'enquêter sur la scène du crime.

English translation of La police est en train d'enquêter sur la scène du crime.

The police are investigating the crime scene.

This sentence provides an illustration of how the verb 'enquêter' (to investigate), is used in French. The noun phrase 'the crime scene' is translated as 'la scène du crime'.

Il travaille pour la police locale.

English translation of Il travaille pour la police locale.

He works for the local police.

This sentence shows the structure of stating a person's profession or designation. 'Travaille' is the French verb for 'works', followed by the preposition 'pour' that translates to 'for'.

La police a arrêté le suspect.

English translation of La police a arrêté le suspect.

The police arrested the suspect.

This example shows the use of the verb 'arrêté' meaning 'arrested', providing learners with common vocabulary concerning police procedures.

Ils ont signalé le vol à la police.

English translation of Ils ont signalé le vol à la police.

They reported the theft to the police.

This sentence demonstrates the usage of the verb 'signalé' (reported). 'Vol' is the French word for theft, hence demonstrating a real life context of reporting a crime.

La police est votre ami.

English translation of La police est votre ami.

The police is your friend.

This phrase is used to give the cultural context of viewing the police as a helpful entity within society, while also showing the usage of the verb 'est' (is).

Vous devez rapporter l'accident à la police.

English translation of Vous devez rapporter l'accident à la police.

You must report the accident to the police.

This sentence provides an instance of using the verb 'doit' (must) and 'rapporter' (report) thus giving learners exposure to more formal or necessity-based language.

La police a trouvé des preuves sur la scène.

English translation of La police a trouvé des preuves sur la scène.

The police found evidence at the scene.

The adjective 'trouvé' (found) followed by 'des preuves' (evidence) helps in demonstrating how to convey the action of finding something in French.

Je suis allé au commissariat de police pour faire une déclaration.

English translation of Je suis allé au commissariat de police pour faire une déclaration.

I went to the police station to make a statement.

Here the noun 'commissariat de police' translates to 'police station', and 'faire une déclaration' means 'to make a statement', providing a common phrase used in legal-related conversation.

Il faut toujours coopérer avec la police.

English translation of Il faut toujours coopérer avec la police.

One should always cooperate with the police.

The advice 'One should always cooperate with the police' gives students exposure with the french word 'coopérer' and the form 'il faut' that is used to express necessity or obligation.

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