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English translation of point


In French, 'point' is an extremely versatile word with many uses. Similar to English, it primarily refers to a specific location or place (e.g., 'Arrêtez-vous à ce point' or 'Stop at this point'). Also, it is used in mathematics for indicating a dot (e.g., 'Il y a un point sur la ligne' or 'There is a point on the line'). Moreover, like English, it is used in discussions as a noun to represent an argument or idea (e.g., 'C'est un bon point' or 'That's a good point').

Example sentences using: point

C'est un bon point de départ.

English translation of C'est un bon point de départ.

It's a good starting point.

In this phrase, 'point' is used to mean 'place' or 'step'. The speaker is indicating that something is a good place to begin or initiate something.

À ce point, je ne sais pas quoi faire.

English translation of À ce point, je ne sais pas quoi faire.

At this point, I don't know what to do.

'Point' in this sentence is used to refer to a stage or moment in time. Here, the speaker is expressing uncertainty about what to do at this current moment or stage.

Le point essentiel est que nous devons agir maintenant.

English translation of Le point essentiel est que nous devons agir maintenant.

The essential point is that we need to act now.

The word 'point' here is used to mean a key detail or fact. The speaker is emphasizing a crucial detail which is the need to act now.

Il était pointilleux sur chaque détail du projet.

English translation of Il était pointilleux sur chaque détail du projet.

He was meticulous about every detail of the project.

While 'point' isn't used in its literal meaning here, 'pointilleux' which means meticulous in French, contains 'point'. This sentence implies that the person was extremely thorough and particular about project details.

Nous arrivons au point de non-retour.

English translation of Nous arrivons au point de non-retour.

We are reaching the point of no return.

'Point' here is used to describe an extreme limit or a situation beyond which it's impossible to return. The speaker is indicating that they are reaching a situation that will be irreversible.

Le soleil est juste au point culminant.

English translation of Le soleil est juste au point culminant.

The sun is at its highest point.

In this sentence, 'point' refers to the peak or zenith. The speaker is referring to the sun being at the apex of its cycle in the sky.

Tu as fait un bon point.

English translation of Tu as fait un bon point.

You made a good point.

Here 'point' is used to mean an argument or idea. The speaker is expressing agreement or appreciation for someone else's idea or argument.

Ce n'est pas le point principal.

English translation of Ce n'est pas le point principal.

This is not the main point.

In this sentence, 'point' is used as a substitute for the words 'thing' or 'aspect'. The speaker is implying that the matter being discussed is not the most important thing.

Il est à bout de souffle, mais il continue à courir pour gagner le point.

English translation of Il est à bout de souffle, mais il continue à courir pour gagner le point.

He’s out of breath, but he keeps running to score the point.

In this context, 'point' refers to a scoring unit in a game or sport. The subject is determined to score despite feeling exhausted.

Je n'ai pas vu le point de cette réunion.

English translation of Je n'ai pas vu le point de cette réunion.

I didn't see the point of this meeting.

In this sentence, 'point' is used to refer to the purpose or effect of something. Here, the speaker is expressing that they didn't understand the reason or objective behind the meeting.

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