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plus tard

English translation of plus tard


The French word 'plus tard' directly translates to 'later' in English. It can be used in the same way we use 'later' in English, to refer to a point in time that happens after the present. For example, it can be used when you are talking about going to a place or doing an action 'later'. Keep in mind that in some contexts, French speakers might also use the word 'après' to mean 'later', but 'plus tard' is a more direct translation.

Example sentences using: plus tard

Nous pourrons le finir plus tard.

English translation of Nous pourrons le finir plus tard.

We can finish this later.

'Nous pourrons le finir plus tard.' is saying they will be able to complete or finish something later on. Nous pourrons (we will be able to) + le finir (finish it) + plus tard (later).

Peut-être que tu pourrais le faire plus tard.

English translation of Peut-être que tu pourrais le faire plus tard.

Maybe you could do it later.

This phrase suggests uncertainty with 'peut-être' (maybe) and the supposition that 'tu pourrais le faire plus tard' (you could do it later).

Je vais y penser plus tard.

English translation of Je vais y penser plus tard.

I'll think about it later.

'Je vais y penser plus tard.' means the speaker wants to delay making a decision and will think about the issue later.

Il viendra plus tard se soir.

English translation of Il viendra plus tard se soir.

He will come later this evening.

'Il viendra plus tard se soir.' This phrase is making a future prediction, stating someone will arrive later in the evening.

Elle lira le rapport plus tard.

English translation of Elle lira le rapport plus tard.

She will read the report later.

'Elle lira le rapport plus tard.' indicates a future action - the woman will read the report, but not right now, only later.

Je te verrai plus tard.

English translation of Je te verrai plus tard.

I will see you later.

This phrase 'Je te verrai plus tard.' is often used when parting, indicating that you expect to see the person again later.

Je peux te montrer plus tard.

English translation of Je peux te montrer plus tard.

I can show you later.

This phrase 'Je peux te montrer plus tard.' implies that the speaker will be able to show the listener something at a later time.

Est-ce que nous pouvons en discuter plus tard?

English translation of Est-ce que nous pouvons en discuter plus tard?

Can we discuss this later?

This phrase 'Est-ce que nous pouvons en discuter plus tard?' is a polite way to postpone a discussion to a later time.

Tu peux venir plus tard si tu veux.

English translation of Tu peux venir plus tard si tu veux.

You can come later if you want.

'Tu peux venir plus tard si tu veux.' This phrase invites someone to come at a later time, but only if they want to or is at their convenience.

Réponds à l'e-mail plus tard.

English translation of Réponds à l'e-mail plus tard.

Answer the email later.

'Réponds à l'e-mail plus tard.' In this phrase, someone is being advised to reply to an email, but not immediately, they are to do so later.

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