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English translation of photo


The word 'photo' in French is also 'photo', pronounced slightly differently. It is a common term used in everyday conversation, and just like its English counterpart, it is used to refer to a picture taken by a camera. You can use it in phrases like 'prendre une photo' which means 'take a photo'.

Example sentences using: photo

Je vais prendre une photo.

English translation of Je vais prendre une photo.

I'm going to take a picture.

This sentence is using the future tense to express the speaker's intention to capture a photograph in the near future.

La photo n'est pas claire.

English translation of La photo n'est pas claire.

The picture is not clear.

Here, the speaker is criticizing the quality of a photograph, claiming it lacks clarity or focus.

J'aime prendre des photos.

English translation of J'aime prendre des photos.

I like taking pictures.

This sentence is conveying a personal preference towards photography. It's a common phrase used when someone enjoys capturing moments using a camera.

Ta photo est très jolie.

English translation of Ta photo est très jolie.

Your picture is very pretty.

In this sentence, the speaker is complimenting someone else's photograph. This is a commonly used compliment in French, especially in the context of digital photography.

Je regarde une photo de ma famille.

English translation of Je regarde une photo de ma famille.

I'm looking at a picture of my family.

This sentence is expressing a simple action using present tense. The speaker is indicating that they are currently viewing a photograph of their family.

Cette photo a été prise en été.

English translation of Cette photo a été prise en été.

This picture was taken in the summer.

This example is using the past tense to provide additional information about an item – specifically, when a photograph was taken.

Tu as vu ma nouvelle photo de profil ?

English translation of Tu as vu ma nouvelle photo de profil ?

Did you see my new profile picture?

This sentence is particularly common in the context of social media, where people frequently update their profile pictures.

Voulez-vous prendre une photo avec moi?

English translation of Voulez-vous prendre une photo avec moi?

Do you want to take a picture with me?

This is a common phrase used to suggest a joint photograph. It is a polite way of asking someone to share a moment with you for a picture.

C'est la meilleure photo que j'ai prise.

English translation of C'est la meilleure photo que j'ai prise.

This is the best photo I've taken.

This sentence expresses a self-evaluation of the individual’s own work, stating that this is their finest photograph.

La photo représente une belle coucher de soleil.

English translation of La photo représente une belle coucher de soleil.

The picture represents a beautiful sunset.

This sentence is describing the content of a photograph, indicating that it features a beautiful sunset. It's a simple way to describe the content of an image.

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