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English translation of personnel


The word 'personnel' in French is used the same way as 'personal' in English. It is used to describe something belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else, or relating to their private life. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal belongings, personal feelings, personal life, etc. An example in a sentence could be 'C'est mon choix personnel', which translates to 'It's my personal choice'.

Example sentences using: personnel

Le personnel de cet hôtel est très sympathique.

English translation of Le personnel de cet hôtel est très sympathique.

The staff of this hotel is very friendly.

In this sentence, 'personnel' is used to refer to the staff or employees of a given establishment, which in this case is a hotel.

Je ne partage pas mes affaires personnelles avec les autres.

English translation of Je ne partage pas mes affaires personnelles avec les autres.

I do not share my personal belongings with others.

Here 'affaires personnelles' means 'personal belongings'. This sentence reflects a person's attitude not to share personal items with others.

C'est un appel personnel, excusez-moi.

English translation of C'est un appel personnel, excusez-moi.

This is a personal call, excuse me.

'Appel personnel' means 'personal call'. This sentence could be used to respectfully excuse oneself to take a private phone call.

Le personnel a besoin de mettre à jour leurs compétences.

English translation of Le personnel a besoin de mettre à jour leurs compétences.

The staff needs to update their skills.

In the context of this sentence, 'personnel' refers to a group of employees or staff who need to enhance or refresh their skills.

Veuillez respecter mon espace personnel.

English translation of Veuillez respecter mon espace personnel.

Please respect my personal space.

The phrase 'espace personnel' is translated as 'personal space', referring to the physical or emotional space around you which you don't want others to invade without your consent.

Mon objectif personnel est d'apprendre une nouvelle langue cette année.

English translation of Mon objectif personnel est d'apprendre une nouvelle langue cette année.

My personal goal is to learn a new language this year.

'Objectif personnel' means 'personal goal' and this sentence could be said by someone who has set a personal aim to learn a new language within a certain timeframe.

Le développement personnel est très important pour elle.

English translation of Le développement personnel est très important pour elle.

Personal development is very important to her.

In this context, 'développement personnel' means 'personal development'. This could be said about a person who gives great importance to self-improvement and growth.

Nous avons trouvé ses documents personnels dans la pièce.

English translation of Nous avons trouvé ses documents personnels dans la pièce.

We found his personal documents in the room.

'Documents personnels' means 'personal documents'. This sentence could be used in the scenario where someone has discovered someone else’s private documents.

Il a divulgué des informations personnelles sans permission.

English translation of Il a divulgué des informations personnelles sans permission.

He disclosed personal information without permission.

In this sentence, 'informations personnelles' means 'personal information'. This expression could be used when someone has shared private details about another person without their consent.

J'ai oublié mon matériel personnel à la maison.

English translation of J'ai oublié mon matériel personnel à la maison.

I have forgotten my personal equipment at home.

The expression 'matériel personnel' means 'personal equipment'. This sentence could be used in a context where one has left their personal belongings or gear, such as gadgets, school supplies, etc., at home.

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