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English translation of personnage


The French word 'personnage' translates to 'character' in English. It is used in the same contexts as the English word, both in reference to fiction (characters in a book or movie) and as a way to describe someone's personality or qualities. However, it is not used to refer to a written symbol, like English does with 'character'.

Example sentences using: personnage

Le personnage a évolué tout au long du récit

English translation of Le personnage a évolué tout au long du récit

The character evolved throughout the story

In this context, 'personnage' is used to describe a character in a narrative or story. It suggests that this character has grown or changed in some way as the story progresses.

Le film tourne autour du personnage principal

English translation of Le film tourne autour du personnage principal

The movie revolves around the main character

In this sentence, 'personnage' is used to refer to a character in a movie. A film revolving around a character means that the character is central to the story.

Elle a créé un personnage convaincant dans son roman

English translation of Elle a créé un personnage convaincant dans son roman

She created a convincing character in her novel

This sentence uses 'personnage' in the context of literature. Here it refers to a character in a book which the author has depicted convincingly.

Chaque personnage dans cette histoire a sa propre personnalité

English translation of Chaque personnage dans cette histoire a sa propre personnalité

Every character in this story has its own personality

Here, 'personnage' means a character in a story, each of whom has a distinctive personality or individuality.

Je me sens comme un personnage dans un roman

English translation of Je me sens comme un personnage dans un roman

I feel like a character in a novel

In this usage, 'personnage' refers to a character in a book. The speaker is comparing their life or experiences to a narrative or story.

Le mystère autour du personnage a piqué ma curiosité

English translation of Le mystère autour du personnage a piqué ma curiosité

The mystery around the character piqued my curiosity

Here, 'personnage' is used to refer to a character who is enveloped in mystery, triggering curiosity in people.

Il a introduit un nouveau personnage dans l'intrigue

English translation of Il a introduit un nouveau personnage dans l'intrigue

He introduced a new character into the plot

In this sentence, 'personnage' signifies a character in a plot or story. The character was newly introduced to add elements to the story.

Son personnage dans le film était impressionnant

English translation of Son personnage dans le film était impressionnant

His character in the movie was impressive

'Personnage' here refers to a role played by an actor in a movie. The character was portrayed impressively.

Le personnage principal du livre est un adolescent

English translation of Le personnage principal du livre est un adolescent

The main character of the book is a teenager

In this context, 'personnage' is a character in a book. The main character, around whom the story revolves, is a teenager.

Il est un personnage clé de l'histoire contemporaine

English translation of Il est un personnage clé de l'histoire contemporaine

He is a key figure in contemporary history

'Personnage' in this sentence refers to a significant or important individual in the context of modern history.

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