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English translation of permettre


The French word 'permettre' is the equivalent of 'allow' in English. It's primarily used to give or grant permission for something or someone to do something. It can sometimes also denote the concept of making something possible or enabling something. Like English, the verb 'permettre' is often followed by an infinitive verb in a sentence.

Example sentences using: permettre

Nous devons permettre à tous d'accéder à l'éducation.

English translation of Nous devons permettre à tous d'accéder à l'éducation.

We must enable everyone to access education.

Here, 'permettre' means 'to enable'. The phrase indicates that everyone should be given the opportunity to access education. 'Nous devons permettre à tous d'accéder à' translates to 'We must enable everyone to access'.

La technologie moderne nous permet de communiquer instantanément.

English translation of La technologie moderne nous permet de communiquer instantanément.

Modern technology allows us to communicate instantly.

In this context, 'permettre' refers to the ability that modern technology gives us to be able to communicate instantly. 'La technologie moderne nous permet de' can be translated to 'Modern technology allows us to'.

Ce régime alimentaire permet de perdre du poids.

English translation of Ce régime alimentaire permet de perdre du poids.

This diet allows losing weight.

In this sentence, 'permettre' implies that the diet gives the possibility or capability of losing weight. 'Ce régime alimentaire permet de' would be 'This diet allows' in English.

La loi permet à chacun de s'exprimer librement.

English translation of La loi permet à chacun de s'exprimer librement.

The law allows everyone to express themselves freely.

Here, 'permettre' is used to express that the law gives everyone the freedom of expression. The French sentence 'La loi permet à chacun de' can be translated to 'The law allows everyone to'.

Ces chaussures ne me permettent pas de courir vite.

English translation of Ces chaussures ne me permettent pas de courir vite.

These shoes do not allow me to run fast.

In this context, 'permettre' refers to the lack of capability or possibility that the shoes give to the subject to run fast. 'Ces chaussures ne me permettent pas de' can be directly translated to 'These shoes do not allow me to'.

Permettez-moi de me présenter.

English translation of Permettez-moi de me présenter.

Allow me to introduce myself.

The verb 'permettre' in this sentence serves as a polite request asking permission from the listener to introduce oneself. 'Permettez-moi de' translates to 'Allow me to'.

Le professeur permet aux étudiants d'utiliser leurs notes pendant l'examen.

English translation of Le professeur permet aux étudiants d'utiliser leurs notes pendant l'examen.

The teacher allows students to use their notes during the exam.

In this context, 'permettre' indicates that the teacher grants the students the opportunity or possibility of using their notes during an exam. 'Le professeur permet aux étudiants d'' translates to 'The teacher allows the students to'.

Ce système permet de contrôler la consommation d'énergie.

English translation of Ce système permet de contrôler la consommation d'énergie.

This system allows controlling energy consumption.

In this sentence, 'permettre' is used to imply that the system gives the capability or possibility to control energy consumption. 'Ce système permet de' can be translated to 'This system allows'.

Je vous permets de prendre une pause.

English translation of Je vous permets de prendre une pause.

I allow you to take a break.

Here, 'permettre' sees use as 'to allow'. The sentence implies that the speaker is giving the listener the permission to take a break. 'Je vous permets de' translates to 'I allow you to'.

Cela vous permettra de comprendre la situation.

English translation of Cela vous permettra de comprendre la situation.

This will allow you to understand the situation.

In this sentence, 'permettre' is used to imply giving the capability or possibility to understand the situation. The term 'Cela vous permettra de' can be roughly translated to 'This will allow you to'.

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