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English translation of perdre


The French word 'perdre' is a verb that translates to 'lose' in English. It is utilized mainly to denote the act of misplacing something or failing to win in a competition. Apart from its primary implication, it could also imply losing track or getting lost. For instance, 'J'ai perdu mon stylo' would mean 'I lost my pen' and 'J'ai perdu la course' would mean 'I lost the race'.

Example sentences using: perdre

J'ai peur de perdre le contrôle.

English translation of J'ai peur de perdre le contrôle.

I'm afraid of losing control.

This phrase conveys a fear or concern about losing control, usually in emotional or difficult situations.

Je ne veux pas perdre mon temps.

English translation of Je ne veux pas perdre mon temps.

I don't want to waste my time.

This phrase is usually used in context where one does not want to spend or use their time on something considered not worthwhile or unimportant.

Il semble que j'ai perdu mon chemin.

English translation of Il semble que j'ai perdu mon chemin.

It seems like I've lost my way.

This phrase is commonly used when someone is lost and can't find their way. It can be used both in literal and figurative context.

Elle ne veut pas perdre l'occasion.

English translation of Elle ne veut pas perdre l'occasion.

She doesn't want to miss the opportunity.

This phrase is used in situations where someone doesn't want to lose or miss out on a certain opportunity.

Nous devons éviter de perdre de l'eau.

English translation of Nous devons éviter de perdre de l'eau.

We must avoid wasting water.

This phrase emphasis on the importance of conserving water. It recommends to abstain from wasting water.

Il a peur de perdre son emploi.

English translation of Il a peur de perdre son emploi.

He is afraid of losing his job.

This phrase is used to convey the fear or anxiety that someone might be facing about losing their job or employment.

Tu risques de perdre tes clés.

English translation of Tu risques de perdre tes clés.

You risk losing your keys.

This phrase is used when someone is in danger of losing their keys, possibly due to carelessness or forgetfulness.

Ils sont sur le point de perdre la maison.

English translation of Ils sont sur le point de perdre la maison.

They are about to lose the house.

This phrase is often used in a financial context where someone is on the verge of losing their property, usually due to financial distress or an outstanding debt.

Il est facile de perdre la motivation.

English translation of Il est facile de perdre la motivation.

It's easy to lose motivation.

This phrase conveys the concept that it can be easy to lose one's motivation, especially during challenging times or when facing difficulties.

Elle craint de perdre sa liberté.

English translation of Elle craint de perdre sa liberté.

She fears losing her freedom.

This phrase is used to express a worry or concern about losing one's freedom. It might refer to personal autonomy or perhaps the civil rights.

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